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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Is this a “Love Actually” thing?
  2. Center play, Frank Howard, and the decline of Marek Dolezaj. Our centers are horrible offensively, and are foul machines. Frank is lazy on defense and the boards, and can’t create offense consistently. Sloppy play overall. Time to rip off the band-aid and bench him for Carey, IMHO. I don’t know what to Marek when he went back to Slovakia this summer, but he has returned a different player. Doesn’t rebound, makes no plays around the rim, and isn’t a shooter. And JB needs to cut the ***** WRT playing him at center. It’s ridiculous.
  3. Yet we’ve seen much, much worse.
  4. The TOS magically disappeared. Think of this message board as “the purge” social media edition.
  5. So, according to this logic, @Chef Jim is a crack-head prostitute head? Not that there’s anything wrong with that...
  6. I think that’s the definition of brain dead. I don’t think pot can do that to a human.
  7. First...trick question...I rarely purchase plant material. Usually oils and edibles. Second, I believe the analogy is apt. Your contention is that since I use weed every day (even though I don’t “wake and bake”) I am a pot head. I’m assuming your definition of pot head would be similar to your definition of alcoholic. Given that I use marijuana daily, but only use a little and at the end of my evening....an individual who drinks a glass of wine or two every night is an alcoholic. Correct?
  8. Your definition? So an individual who has had a glass of wine every single night...alcoholic?
  9. Pretty much. I smoke/vape/ingest marijuana almost every single day. I have a rule, however, that I don’t do so until the kids are in bed and all my work is done for the day. It’s like an accompaniment to my 2-3 glasses of wine or beer.
  10. Great example of a young man putting the team before himself. I applaud him. Irrespective of the political implications, obviously.
  11. Agreed. We have a very solid 30 year old pass rusher locked up, on the cheap, for another season. Let’s not create another need.
  12. Yes! The guy pulled some stupid ***** in the Miami game, but he is a bonafide run stuffer. Lock him up on the cheap right now for 2-3 million per.
  13. Best post of the thread (IMO) regarding the definition of alcoholism.
  14. Probably the right move there, Levi. Sounds like a strange bird.
  15. That’s actually really good parenting, IMO. Teach your kid how to have a sense of humor!
  16. He never met me before. Maybe my wife told him ? I honestly struggle at putting air in my tires and filling up my windshield washer thing ?
  17. The first time I met my father in law, my wife (then girlfriend) and I got hotel rooms for us and my future in-laws at The Turning Stone Casino. We exchanged gifts after dinner, and my Father in law gave me a box full of random car maintainance stuff (e.g., lock de-icer, windshield washer fluid, brake fluid, zip ties, etc...). Still don’t quite know what to make of that. He is now been deceased 7 or 8 years. Great guy.
  18. This is going to sound kind of messed up, but my parents split when I was 3 and I moved away with my father. My dad was somewhat of a ladies man back in the day, and there was rarely a Saturday morning that I didn’t see some strange broad coming out of his bedroom in the morning. My father worked construction during the week, and bartended Friday and Saturday. Let’s just say that I walked in on he and his “fun girls” in the act more than just a few times. I think my father was forced to give me a watered down version of the birds and the bees at around age 3 or 4. Learned the rest from friends and porno mags/movies.
  19. Cool man! I remember like it was yesterday when my son (he was about the same age as yours) was standing in his crib holding the bars when I went to get him up from nap. My boy was a really fat baby, and was a little slower in reaching his gross motor milestones than other kids his age. Now he can hula hoop through a Cheerio!
  20. Yes we should. Especially if that 1st round pick lands us near Greedy Williams or Josh Allen. Greedy would give us a bookend, shut-down corner opposite tre for the foreseeable future. Josh would give us versatility in that he will be an excellent SOLB/edge rusher combo.
  21. Anyone win, or know anyone of pulling out a W, after the 2 point ESPN stat correction for Zeke Elliott last week??
  22. My friend’s 12 year old son was still a believer, and his parents thought that was weird, so they “hired” another older child to break the news to him. I thought was an interesting choice by the parents. And F the elf on a shelf.
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