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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. You should persist. Season one is good...season 2 is AMAZING!
  2. Upon further review, my ruling on the field stands. She is kind of busted in the face, and has smaller boobs than me.
  3. I have another theory. This may come as a surprise to some, but 26CB is actually an accomplished rock climber. In late December, he decided to take a solo trip to do some climbing in Blue John Canyon, Utah. After a climbing mishap he found himself falling, and subsequently, his arm became pinned under a large boulder. After 127 hours of no food and water, and severe sun exposure, 26 decided he would have to resort to extreme measures to survive. He found a spork he had left over from a trip to KFC, and whittled his arm off at the elbow. After releasing himself, he was able to slow the bleeding long enough to reach help. He is now recovering in a Utah hospital. His severed arm was recovered, and now sit in a jar of Formaldehyde on his mantle. Let’s all send out our thoughts and prayers to poor 26CB.
  4. If he’s not a douche, he’ll do until the douche gets here.
  5. So which one is it? Does life begin at conception, or does it begin when we learn that a woman is pregnant? For me, life begins at around age 7 or 8. My son just turned 9, so he appears to have made it. My 5 year old daughter, however, well we’re still on the fence as to whether or not we’re gonna “keep her.” She keeps acting up, and Daddy might have to drive her out to a farm where she will have room to run and be naughty. She will be happier there ?
  6. This punisher S2....2 episodes deep, has been very, very good, IMO.
  7. I’m a clinical psychologist. Employed by a school district, but also have my own practice and do consulting/training across the region in a particular area of my expertise. Nah, I just sell weed man ?
  8. Oh, believe me it exists. I have the student loan statements to prove it ? I (we) also bring in enough money now that I won’t ever have to worry about it ?
  9. I finished my doctoral program in 2007, bro. My wife finished her masters in 2007. We both began our careers in August 2007. We also had to pay for a lot of our wedding, and relocation $ from NY to Charlotte. Hardly enough time to accumulate savings sufficient to overcome being “let go” with no noice. Common man!!
  10. FWIW...just got a text from my dude on the hill. Said Boeheim sent GMac to Springfield, Mass yesterday to make a final last minute attempt to flip Stewart. Said his family still is pressuring him to choose Cuse, and apparently Mom has been in contact with the coaching staff. He finished by saying “It’s looking like UW, but don’t be completely stunned if it’s Cuse. Make sure to tune in.” Just thought I’d share with my Cuse peeps. ??????
  11. It’s 2008 and my wife and I are both gainfully employee at a school district in NC. Just found out that my wife was pregnant with our first child. Recession hits and 100/165 school psychologists (including my wife and I) are RIF’ed on a Friday afternoon in April. No warning. We made due for a year with us both working several jobs, but we were still poor as dirt until we finally found jobs and had to move to Alaska. My wife applied for WIC while we were still in NC to help out a little, but we were denied. Would you consider our financial issues self inflicted?
  12. I would bet he’s more “book smart” than the average Cheeto supporter.
  13. Sounds like a good idea. Just like drivers licenses should be. My grandfather should not still be driving.
  14. First episode is ***** awesome! Frank Castle at his best busting heads. Love it.
  15. I’ll do you one further. Coolio>JayZ
  16. Not everyone should be allowed to have children. There should be a process whereby individuals are able to demonstrate that they will be competent, loving, and responsible caregivers.
  17. See edit. He’s going to UW. Sorry... I had been hearing for over a month now that he was leaning toward Cuse. He and his family did not enjoy him being so far away at prep school, and he really enjoyed his official to Syracuse. I guess his mom really liked Red Autry. The coaching staff felt really good about a commit. Something changed within the past couple weeks. I just learned about it today. Must have informed JB, Autry and Gmac recently. Who knows in the crazy world that is college hoops recruiting though?? Allegedly, Nerlens Noel changed his mind twice the day of his announcement (Cuse-Georgetown-Kentucky). I certainly hope Isaiah has a change of heart. Big time, program changing recruit.
  18. I agree with everything here. Season 2 wasn’t bad, IMO. It was just different, and not as good as season 1. Season 1 was a tough act to follow.
  19. Edit: Unfortunately, I’d put your $ on UW. I guess things have shifted substantially in the past couple weeks. Sounds like it was down to Cuse and UW though...FWIW. Duke and Sparty not even in contention. Hop steals another one ? FWIW, I’m still hearing Syracuse is in good shape. Coaches confident still. I hope my sources are correct ?
  20. I’ve seen him going to the Bills at 9 in a few mock drafts now. Seems kind of small for a 3 tech, but I’m guessing he could add 15-20 pounds. I don’t love it, but I don’t know enough about Gary to hate this. Any Michigan fans out there have an opinion?
  21. I enjoyed episodes 1 & 2 immensely. For those not watching because of season 2...give this a chance.
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