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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I like making bacon wrapped chicken breasts. Just wrap em in bacon and bake at 375 for 25-30 minutes until bacon is crispy. Sauté up some garlic mushrooms and sweet sassy molassy!! Side of steamed asparagus. Bacon keeps the chicken moist and flavorful. My wife puts this balsamic reduction sauce on it. So easy, quick and delicious.
  2. The first new episode of Black Mirror was just dumb. Miley Cyrus is gross. Just bad....
  3. The latter....peurto ricans don’t wear sweatpant.
  4. How competitive? I once broke a puero rican dude’s leg for sweatpant money.
  5. How do people feel about cats? I went to pet the neighbor’s cat, Gus, this morning and he scratched my wrist! Crazy bastard! I’ve been waiting for him to lose it.
  6. Is this the guy the brought in to wrestle Greggo?
  7. I was waiting for grandma to drop the people’s elbow on one of those *****!
  8. I’ve probably done worse than sharing a bed with poopie foot.
  9. What might be more disgusting is my buddy visiting from home hooked up with her....and he knew...and didn’t care ?
  10. Not a huge donut guy, but every year when we go apple picking the orchard makes fresh apple cider donuts. Right out of the fryer and into a paper bag. There is a line for about a half a mile. I can easily eat a dozen by myself with a half gallon of apple cider.
  11. Female exchange student in college from India would poop in the shower and smoosh it down the drain with her foot. The girls caught her doing it after an investigation. True story. Apparently, it is a thing they do there.
  12. That’s where a lot of the rich people live who work in Charlotte. A lot of them from the northeast ?
  13. Pit Bulls may not even be the most aggressive breed of dog, but they are the ones who can and will do the most damage if they do snap. I had a mini dauchshund that we had to put down. Despite spending thousands of dollars on trainers, vets, a pet “psychologist,” psychotropic medications...she bit 5 people before we had to make that difficult decision. Fortunate for us, her bites were tiny and largely harmless. I think she only broke the skin once and just barely. Chows, chihuahuas, collies, and cocker spaniels can ask be very aggressive breeds. Unfortunate for PB’s is that they are so big/strong and attack so relentlessly and violently...their worst attacks tend to make national news. I think Pitts are beautiful and I have found them generally to be very sweet and loyal dogs (although I have never owned one). I would never, however, let my children near one...especially one that I don’t know extremely well. Maybe less of a chance that they get attacked by a chihuahua, but at least the chihuahua wouldn’t leave them disfigured for life or dead.
  14. That’s backwoods ***** puke NC. They walk among us ?‍♂️
  15. No idea honestly. She didn’t return to school in the fall and this was before Facebook where I could just look her up. She must be horribly disfigured though. Shame.
  16. Put it in the bank? Maybe buy a new riding lawnmower? Boooooring.
  17. Where we need to build a wall is on the Florida border!
  18. Sounds like dinner at my house. G/D free!! I ***** hate zucchini noodles ?
  19. Spicy Italian from Indelicato’s in Auburn, NY. I do love me some kielbasa though. Love to grill it in the summer time. Serve sliced up as a snack with Weber’s mustard.
  20. I think we’re pretty good at o-line. Trent would be a luxury I just don’t see McBeane spending on right now.
  21. Ahhh.....makes sense. I was thinking, IIRC, that 2 kids I graduated with (Auburn HS, NY) were both drafted in 1997.
  22. That's awesome! I don't know why, but you'd think a city like Buffalo would have more kids drafted into the MLB than one since 1974!
  23. When you say your short ribs are a “deal closer,” does that mean that they make the panties drop?
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