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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I guess one product of this thread is that we’re seeing who all the old farts are.
  2. Darius Bazley to OKC at pick 23 in the first round ? Will Brissett sneak into the 1st round? Hope so.
  3. Why not just move the team to Montreal? This is just dumb. They’re actually a competitive team right now, and they can’t support them? Trash....
  4. Sometimes you accidentally run over a human. Might as well take their torso for a ride and drink some tequila, no?
  5. Get Gugny to say something good about Tyrod Taylor.
  6. Dangerfield and Kinison. I remember my brother gave me a Sam Kinison comedy tape when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. Wore that thing out. And Rodney is just the best ever, IMO.
  7. I think it’s more mental than anything else with Carey. He clearly has the raw talent. Can he overcome his mental challenges? That’s thought to do. So much more challenging than improving skill wise. I wish the best for Jalen, but I’m not betting the farm that he is our starting PG next year.
  8. And yet the shape of her head....and those chompers. Only so much you can polish that turd.
  9. No, it’s not. It’s produced but not scripted. What are you talking about?
  10. Yes. I propose a full mental health evaluation prior to any TBD “membership” is made official. Too many full blown sociopaths floating around here.
  11. Yup...probably more than once too.
  12. That phony phone call where they had that female intern call him and ask about meeting up for sex was pretty disturbingly hilarious. Dude is twisted.
  13. She was down at the Doll House in Myrtle when we were down there for a bachelor party weekend. I saw her once, but she was mostly doing high $ private “shows” for rich dudes up in the VIP suites. Definitely not working hard doing lap dances for $20 a song ? She looks aright, but there were probably 50 hotter strippers in the place that night.
  14. Wow. I am actually jealous. Enjoy!
  15. Yes, it was actually very good. One of the more “adult friendly” kids movies I’ve seen in a while, and I see them ALL.....
  16. I wish just once my wife would ask me “What do you want to do for Father’s Day?” That would be nice. I would like to go fishing with the kids or on a family hike, for example. Instead, I get to go watch Secret Life of Pets and then go to a habachi dinner with another family. I don’t even like the other family we’re going with, and I HATE habachi! Oh well, such is life I suppose. I’ll just drink heavily and smile. Father’s Day is not about fathers. Stop lying to us.
  17. How many fathers out there actually get to stuff they want to do on Father’s Day? I wake up this morning to my daughter saying “Guess what daddy...we’re going to see Secret Life of Pets for Father’s Day!” Lovely...
  18. Turns out....Lake Ontario is a filthy *****.
  19. Simple. There’s been a lot of rain. The lakes are high. No need for quantum thermodynamics here. What impact, if any, will this have on the Asian carp population?
  20. What in the actual ***** is this?
  21. S3 of Black Mirror sucked donkey balls.
  22. Reference to pit bull thread. Perhaps poorly executed? Oh well. I enjoy myself.
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