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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Can we let one of the illegal immigrants out of a cage and put her in?
  2. Why are you ready to explode? I’ll hang up and listen to your response.
  3. I can’t remember ever having a pimple on my back. I’m not saying it never happened, but I don’t remember it.
  4. Wife and I flew to West Palm for a wedding in October. Apparently, nearby is where many Disney cruises depart from. I didn’t know this, but at the baggage carousel there were tons of adults (without children) wearing head to toe Disney gear. It was bizarre. I whispered to myself “bless their little hearts” because there’s nothing more embarrassing than getting pummeled in front of your wife by a bunch of Disney freaks.
  5. Ahhhh...never once heard “little” thrown in there. Haha.
  6. Having lived in the south (if you can consider Charlotte the south ?), the “bless your heart” was thrown around a bunch. Mostly by the native southerners. It was explained to me that it can have two meanings... 1. Like if someone is going through a hardship, a person can show empathy by using the phrase. ”Tammy, I know you’re working 3 jobs to make ends meet after your husband fell ill. Bless your heart...”. 2. Can be used if someone is “special” or mentally challenged in some way. Again, expressing empathy (admittedly sometimes tongue in cheek). ”Tommy is in the 5th grade, but still has to wear Velcro sneakers because he can’t tie his shoes. Bless his heart.”
  7. Depends, my mother and father were both born in ‘49. None of my grandparents served in WWII. My paternal grandfather served in Korea. I remember my Italian teacher in HS used to tell us all the time (in his heavy Italian accent) “Generation X is supposed to be the cream of the crop, but it appears as though the cream has spoiled.” Were there high expectations for Gen X?
  8. For me it’s the kids who like the idea of being on the lacrosse team, but once they realize they have to actually work hard and are not going to become instant stars, they find some lame excuse to quit. It’s instant gratification or quit the team, and the parents let it happen. Really, I rarely place the blame on the kids. Their parents just suck. You’re gen X like me bro. I just made it being born in ‘79 ?
  9. The biggest difference, IMO. Societal influences can be mitigated by good parenting.
  10. I am approaching my 6th year as a boys varsity lacrosse coach, and the kids just get worse and worse every year. There are many exceptions to the rule, of course, but I find that every year the kids seem to become increasingly mentally weak, lazy and undisciplined. Just whiny little crybabies. If I start out with 27 or 28 kids, I know I’m going to lose 7 or 8 once they learn that they have to actually work hard and are not going to be instant all-americans. The good ones (I call them throw back kids) are the ones with good parents. Parents that are supportive, but also hold their kids accountable. The ***** birds, most often, have parents who are weak themselves. Let the kids get away with murder, and do their best to “bulldoze” any adversity that their kids face due to their actions. This is my last year as HC. I told myself when I started that when the BS starts to outweigh the benefit, it would be time to pass the baton.
  11. https://www.amazon.com/Weber-Chicago-Steak-Seasoning-Pack/dp/B007NLKUF4/ref=asc_df_B007NLKUF4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=344004307193&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16559989641635941298&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003089&hvtargid=pla-524468065611&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=66686195262&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=344004307193&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16559989641635941298&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003089&hvtargid=pla-524468065611 This Weber Chicago Steak Seasoning is the only seasoning (other than salt and pepper) that I will use on a good steak. Only use it once in a while for a change up.
  12. There are about 6 or 7 smaller lakes and one reservoir within a 30 minute drive of my house. Most of the beaches are part of state parks. You can borrow free passes to all of them at the public library. We go to the beach a lot.
  13. Two floor garage. Vehicles and some storage downstairs, and more storage (kayaks, porch furniture, sports gear) on the 2nd floor. Have thought about doing something else with the 2nd floor. Pool table?
  14. I spoke with Lawrence Moten briefly at TBT this weekend, and knowing he was at the Melo Center a few days this week (TBT players and current players worked out together) I asked him which incoming freshman he was most impressed with. Without hesitation he said JG3. Said he is the best shooter he’s seen in orange since Shumpert or GMac. Also said that Joe’s “gonna be a star” and he would be surprised if JG3 didn’t start at one of the guard positions almost right away. Finished the conversation (before he was swept away by selfie seekers) by saying, “wait ‘til you see what he does in Italy.” “People will be talking.” Moten is a great guy, BTW. If you ever see him at a game or on campus, don’t hesitate to walk up to him and say hello. He’s very down to earth, and actually seems to like talking Cuse hoops with fans.
  15. He surely isn’t a dooosh waffle like Grayson Allen. His personality certainly comes across as garish and abrasive. I love his competitive spirit though. Never been a “cheap shot artist” or poor sport ever. Always an incredible teammate by all accounts. I also think he has a bright future as a coach/recruiter.
  16. I get ya, brotha. Most unlikeable player in modern Cuse history? Frank Howard ?
  17. Oh man. That was a year we could have won it all. Blake Griffin tooled on us... Totally 100% disagree. Love his intensity. He’s also very likeable if you follow closely what he does in the community. I’ve hung around him a couple times at Cuse functions. Great, great dude.
  18. Man...AO and Watkins are soooo out of shape. Painful ?‍♂️
  19. That’s what I’m saying. They will need Triche if they move on to Chicago. Not only for his offense, but he’s an exceptional defender.
  20. BJ Johnson has been very, very good. Gillon has been very good also, and always seems to provide a spark off the bench. What’s up with B Triche? Injured? He’s gotta he much better than that Crawford clown.
  21. Our defense sucks again!!!!! ☹️
  22. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole “entitled kids” thing, but I sure love the TC observations. I met him briefly at camp a few years back, and he seemed like a good enough dude.
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