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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Oh, the awful, unspeakable things I would do to them ??
  2. Spoken like a true boob squeezer!
  3. Not worried, and I’ve never had a problem with men disrespecting my wife. I’m not much of a “tough guy” or a fighter, but I’m a fairly large man which I think is a deterrent. My friend’s story just got me thinking...that’s all.
  4. The scary part is just about everyone (including myself) carries a concealed firearm in Vermont. I carry mine just about everywhere except for work. If a drunk dude is willing to grope my wife, he likely is dumb and drunk enough to shoot us both in the face too. ???
  5. I believe I would have to act if my wife got randomly groped by some drunken weirdo. I think I would respond verbally at first, try to make the guy take the first swing, and then do my best to defend my wife’s honor. I couldn’t live with myself otherwise. Just standing there like an idiot why some jack-off does possibly the worst thing he can do to my wife? Yeah, no. Whether or not I get my ass handed to me is irrelevant. Mr. Gropey is going to get everything I got. If the police happen to be right there, I would certainly seek their assistance instead. But that would be unlikely. Honking on a boob that doesn’t “belong to you” is a cardinal offense, IMO.
  6. You’ll laugh it off if I grabbed your wife’s tit and gave it a honk? Where do you live again?
  7. Just thought of a situation I witnessed a long time ago. I went to a Syracuse vs Auburn football game at the Carrier Dome. Auburn had a huge following, and I think they were coming into the game ranked in the top 10. Anyway, Syracuse upset them and beat them handily. We were walking out after the game, and this Auburn fan (young, huge dude) ran by us screaming “F Syracuse!!” “I can’t wait to get out of this scumbag city with all these low life people!!” Something to that effect. This older couple (40’s) was walking in front of us, and the wife yelled to the guy “go home!” This dude, who must have been 6’4” 235, stopped in his tracks, walked up to the couple, and booted the woman right in her lady parts. She dropped like a ton of bricks screaming and crying, the husband just stood there in shock, and the Auburn fan scampered away. I will never forget that.
  8. Good responses. The boob squeezer guy was in his 30’s-40’s according to the story. I’m not a tough guy by any means, but I have enough experience that I can handle myself if the fists start flying. I would never initiate a physical altercation with anyone. Probably one of the most mellow guys you’d ever meet. I guess the question is about defending the honor of your wife...the mother of your children. I remember a few years before my grandfather passed he was pissed because he had to wear a cast on his right arm for a couple months. I remember him saying to my father “What if I take Francie (my grandmother) out to dinner and some guy gets fresh with her?” He was sincerely afraid that he wouldn’t be able to stand up for her even though he was in his late 70’s. I’m pretty sure I would have to punch a man who essentially sexually assaulted my wife right in front of me. I don’t think there is any other option. Same thing if some man groped my daughter. Non-negotiable.
  9. Was carpooling with another hockey Dad friend on the way to Montpelier today, and he was telling me how he was up at a comedy show on the mountain last weekend and some drunk idiot literally squoze his wife’s boob!! I guess they were on the way out to the car after the show and this dude (who was obnoxiously hammered all night I guess) just gave it a honk ? This made me think though. I think I would HAVE to fight that guy if it was my wife. Right?! Even if he was bigger than me, I’d have to at least make an effort. *****’s crazy... I’m 40 btw Discuss....
  10. I love it when cats have human names. An old roommate of mine had a cat named Steve. I always thought that was hilarious.
  11. My buddy dressed up like Payne Stewart’s ghost for Halloween that year. He won best costume at the party we went to. Pretty horrible, but everyone who knew who Payne was got a laugh out of it.
  12. Happy, happy birthday ol’ feller!
  13. If you have Amazon Prime, you can get free 2 day shipping to the moon.
  14. Given the options available, and the perceived strength of the upcoming WR draft class, I’m okay with rolling with our current WRs. They need to get Singletary more involved in the passing game ala James White. I’d look to add depth at WOLB or edge if I was Brandon Beane.
  15. Slot guy. Don’t we already have that pretty well covered?
  16. Personally, I think we’re pretty well set at TE.
  17. I’d pound the fur off of that hell kitten!
  18. ***** potatoes.
  19. I don’t have the time to scroll through the entire list. Where in the top 5 is Meatloaf??
  20. Truth, but has any QB looked even remotely decent against the Pats D?
  21. Bru’s Room triple threat wings are the truth!
  22. I feel like this “formula” for beating LJ was forgotten so quickly. The Chargers did a masterful job of this last year in the playoffs against the Ravens. Screw pressuring him and chasing him all over. Instead contain him and keep him in the pocket. Make him a passer. He won’t respond well. Same formula has been used to neutralize Josh Allen, although I think Josh is a better passer that Lamar at present.
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