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Johnny Hammersticks

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    Australia, Mate!

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  1. My first born for Dedan Thomas Jr! Long shot, as I see him staying on the west coast, but a guy can hope.
  2. Wasn’t it also your nickname in high school?
  3. I’m sorry. The transfer portal rules and NIL are ruining college sports. With very few exceptions, any player that transfers should have to sit out a season. My interest in college basketball right now is at an all time low, and I’ve always been a huge fan. Probably doesn’t help matters that Syracuse has been absolute dog crap for several years now.
  4. Classless prick bag. He should have taken the Lakers job.
  5. Kenny Lofton. Early in his career he did a couple seasons in the NY-Penn league with my hometown Auburn Astros. I was 8 or 9 and the ballpark was only a few blocks from my house, so I used to go watch practice almost every single day. I guess a lot of the players and coaches just got used to me being there. Anyway, Kenny would call me out onto the field and let me try to catch fly balls with him during BP. He also would send me to the Wilson Farms store to get him snacks and soda, and would always give me enough money to buy myself something. Super nice guy, and back then literally no one knew anything about him.
  6. Floyd got 10 million. Bosa gets 12.6? Yeah, I’d make that gamble any day of the week. Joey is elite when healthy and he’ll be playing with extra motivation to earn that final big deal. Hell yea. Go ahead BBB.
  7. Von seemed to be a great teammate. He couldn’t help the injury. Best of luck to him unless he has the stones to sign with an AFC east team or KC. 😆
  8. DJ Jones is the 1T that this defense needs. Go get him Beane!!
  9. We had a college bar that did “drinkin’ on Lincoln” on Tuesday nights. Five dollars for all you can drink domestic drafts and well drinks all night. They also had a wing special. I can’t recall exactly, but I think they were 25 cent wings which was still a great deal at that time. I think it was late in my junior year or senior year that NYS passed a law making this illegal.
  10. Some of the best poutine I’ve ever tasted is from a concession stand at a hockey rink up in Highgate, VT. My son plays games up there a couple times per season, and I always get a double order. My go to bar food is usually wings, but I also love some onion rings when I’m having a few beers. 🍻
  11. Interesting. When you get married you don’t just gain a wife/husband, you gain a whole family. My mother in law drives my wife crazy. They fight like cats and dogs, and can only be around each other for a few hours before they start going after each other. My MIL is kid of a pain in the rear end, and can be really negative sometimes, but she loves me. Perhaps because she raised 3 girls. 😂
  12. BBQ chicken with bacon, jalapeños and onions.
  13. I’m sorry. At what point was Peter asked to expose his bosoms? No one offered to buy him an appletini? 😏
  14. She went for one walk around the construction site and got propositioned by like 12 dudes?! 😂 Is she super attractive? Was she wearing a bikini and heels? 🤔 I worked construction for 4 summers doing fireproofing. Heard a few “cat calls” to girls walking by the site, but never anything close to this. Weird…
  15. A bit of advice for those who might be pondering marriage. Make sure you do your research about your potential partner, and also do a deep dive into her family history. Mental health, medical, generational trauma, etc. You’ll be living with much of these factors down the line. Also, what does your potential mother in law look like? Genetics are powerful, and that’s probably pretty close to what you’ll be looking at every day for as long as you remain married. Petty? Maybe so, but true. 😂
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