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Everything posted by dubs

  1. great minds....
  2. what a brain dead, pathetic display of humanity. Sad.
  3. it’s totally on their website, right below “Greece Turns Back Migrants Abandoning Them at Sea”
  4. a pretty clear sign that the “media” no longer exists is when anybody could write an article that would essentially mirror the MSM article, BEFORE the event being written about actually happened.
  5. agreed. And the thing that the same group will never understand is that people who support uncovering and punishing this type of behavior have absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump. I don’t care who is the perpetrator and who the target is, these very basic protections need to be preserved or we essentially have a two class system here, the government and the governed. One has carte blanche to act as they want and the other has to take it.
  6. it really is amazing how the left reacts to this. Notice the “this feels like...” line. Of course that’s what it feels like to a girl living in a echo chamber. in the real world, fabricating evidence to conduct surveillance is a black and white crime and infringes on the most basic rights citizens have to protect them against these exact government abuses. unreal!
  7. Anyone who watched trumps press conference today would realize the usps issue doesn’t exist. But then again...cnn
  8. Strategically cutting off the top of the book where you see “true” in quotation marks, nice!
  9. I don’t care if you hate trump or love trump, this is objectively hilarious.
  10. and this is the foremost issue right now and has been for a very long time. We have just finally awakened to it.
  11. The Dems just make it so easy to pick them apart. First it’s no old white men, then they nominate the oldest, whitest man in the world. then it’s have to have intersectionality of racial justice for African Americans and equality for women and decide to nominate a former prosecutor who’s ancestors owned slaves and slept her way into her first public position. it’s almost like you can’t really believe anything they say! ?
  12. https://babylonbee.com/news/chicago-weather-reporter-predicts-another-huge-murder-front-this-weekend
  13. I could’ve sworn I just posted something in a thread already dedicated to this topic. ?
  14. I’ve been saying for a month or so now that I kind of think the Dems actually want to lose because the long play is to continue to dismantle the country through chaos. They can’t do that if they win the presidency and they haven’t dismantled enough to get enough people to submit to their will. Their only real choice is to lose in Nov and use that as an excuse to continue what they’ve been doing for the last four years, create havoc. However, a second trump term means a totally different trump. Expect much more anarchy from the left and more false narrative pushing by the media for the next 4.5 years.
  15. it’s so true. he could have actually just picked an African American Woman anyway, but announcing that’s what he’s limiting himself to seriously undermines that picks credibility before she even accepts the nomination. Dem racism 101
  16. Beyoncé he needs the Bey Hive in his corner.
  17. so, despite the fact that their own government says they had no mandatory shutdowns and the media has made it their mission to criticize Sweden for their light response to covid, your saying that they did in fact shut down because you know a couple people there? Got it.
  18. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/swedens-success-kryptonite-lockdown-and-mask-advocates
  19. Chicago is a complete and total ***** show. Sad!
  20. It really is difficult to imagine how warped your mind has to be to believe all this propaganda from the left. Same kind of demented as thinking that Democrats and Republicans "switched" parties.
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