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Everything posted by dubs

  1. 1) 2019 2) 2017 10) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018
  2. there is no chance C-section has a job, unless professional troll is employment now.
  3. Best way to get added is to post on this thread then keep monitoring for updates. the team of data scientists are finishing up another project, likely going to refresh the data with additions in the next week or so. DDS (Dubs Data Science) appreciates your interest.
  4. I’m honestly trying to put your assessment of failure into context. It’s really a simple question. I’m not looking for a precise number but an estimate. You’re on record blaming every Covid death on Trump. So I’m just wondering how many deaths youd expect if someone of your choosing was president. It’s just hypothetical obviously, but helps put things into context.
  5. you think the US should have been limited to 17,500 deaths from Covid? Again: Can you please explain how many deaths you think the US should have had if someone suited to be president was in office? 0? 17,500? 100,000? im waiting.
  6. what are you talking about!? im asking a simple question. If anyone but Trump was in office, what do you think the death toll from Covid in the US would be?
  7. so you’re saying Trump is responsible for 175,000 deaths from covid? What would you say would be the death toll if Hillary was President? 0 I’m assuming.
  8. HOAX! bravo! ?
  9. can you show any statistics or data that quantifies the longer term impact of having Covid? Or are you just parroting taking points from the panic porn Dems and media, as usual? thanks for playing, bozo. It would also be interesting to examine covid cases and deaths based on states with red v blue governors.
  10. There a very VERY simple concept that is at the heart of every single democrat/liberal/progressive/ socialist/communist idea: What’s good for the country is bad for the democrats.
  11. shhhhhh....don’t you know that Sweden is bad!! WTF!?!? Climate Change? Can we get a glimpse of what our world would be like without “ruling class elites”? It would be the single greatest development for the benefit of humankind in the history of the universe.
  12. You quoted Mr. Bookman?
  13. There was a time in my life when empty, meaningless rhetoric had an impact on me and how I viewed the world and what I thought about politicians. Then I grew up.
  14. The Dems are such a pathetic political party now.
  15. Powerful message and effective! The up and coming young, new, fresh voices in the Republican Party are impressive. Very diverse and have a clear message that resonates. Everyday that goes by the Republican Party looks more and more like America and where it’s going and the Democrat party looks like a pack of wild animals and communists.
  16. Updated to include self-described independents.
  17. ha. Dude, I don’t know. I was just having a little fun. NBD
  18. yep. I guess I really didn’t think this serious analysis through.
  19. I think you only get (+1) for thumbs up, beer, Super Bowl trophy, and laugh. I don’t think you get anything for meh, confused, skeptical or sad.
  20. Wait, Paul Manafort was pardoned? By Putin via Trump I assume? ?
  21. the only play they have is to: 1) ignore and hope the media also covers for them 2) when forced to address, twist the narrative to fit that this is mostly peaceful and the violence is white nationalists and other agitators have hijacked the peaceful protests 3) when that doesn’t work, say this is a necessary step to root our systematic racism 4) and always, blame trump they can’t stop this because that’s tacit admission that their city and their policies have failed and that their base is comprised of animals. fortunately, most people see right through it.
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