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Everything posted by dubs

  1. I’m a fan of fans of bills fans!
  2. 1996 - Clinton 2000 - Gore 2004 - Kerry 2008 - Obama 2012 - Romney 2016 - Trump as you can see, I’ve never voted “republican”
  3. I've been extremely busy and been largely off the board for the last couple weeks and this was the first thread I saw when I came back. Just an all around embarrassment. it’s clear the intention is to clutter the board with nonsense to the point where it’s so frustrating people disengage on the board.
  4. What a stupid thread topic. Pure secondhand embarrassment for the OP.
  5. I haven't really been paying close attention to camp but kind of surprised TJ Yeldon is still on this team. Also kind of surprised Jake Fromm made the team. Maybe it's obvious from the above that I didn't pay any attention to camp. Go Biils! Let's roll!
  6. She needs to resign. I mean, not that she had any credibility before, but even NPCs have to see how incredibly phucked up this is, right? I know, wishful thinking.
  7. you could start by looking in the mirror
  8. Wonder what’s on the Cuomo/Cohen tapes? Tucker releasing tomorrow perhaps?
  9. Here’s C-Section!
  11. The dem party is dead. A house dropped on them in the 1939! They’ve been replaced by their sister, the international communist party, and she’s more wicked than the first.
  12. don’t lawyers need to take a logic course in law school? The point you made is pretty basic logic that I would expect any lawyer to understand. Even a fourth rate third chair one.
  13. I appreciate the OP’s honesty in describing the riots in Wisconsin as domestic terrorism.
  14. I wish this black man had acted the same way as Rittenhouse and that he was still alive today. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kiro7.com/news/trending/retired-police-captain-killed-facebook-live-while-protecting-friends-pawn-shop/AI3DM5AH7FE25AKZ7A6WVLFVFY/%3foutputType=amp
  15. the government role in the US has been so bastardized over the last 100 years that it does not remotely resemble the intention and design laid out in the constitution. The process of governing has been screwed up, the role of states vs fed, everything. Until that’s fixed, you’re going to see this hysteria play out over and over again because of the power and control that the presidency has but was never intended to have. To make matters even worse, the media is just thinly veiled propaganda (mostly for the left) and the citizenry has no concept of civics. in other words, it’s a !@#$ mess.
  16. I just don’t understand that mindset. maybe there is more information out there that would make this more clearly a police brutality issue, which is why I’d want to wait before really making up my mind, but there’s been such a rush to condemn the cops.
  17. I have a really simple, honest question regarding the shooting that prompted this latest rioting and am not going through the entire thread to see if this has been asked and answered. If the guy resisted arrest, was tazed, and still managed to get to his car, how are the cops supposed to know he’s not going there to pull out a gun? Are they supposed to wait and see if he pulls out a gun and hope they can shoot him before he starts shooting at the cops or anybody else nearby?
  18. how is the cop supposed to know what he’s reaching for in his car? There are countless situations that end badly for the cops, the perpetrator, and innocent bystanders because cops didn’t stop someone. At this point, we need to wait and see what the details are, but it’s just as plausible that the cops were justified as it is that they were not. which is why the inflammatory nature of narratives needs to end.
  19. you are siding with a criminal. ill wait for more information and in the meantime understand that it’s entirely plausible that the cops were called to respond to a domestic incident, involving someone with a previous criminal record, who proceeded to fight the cops, refused to comply, threaten the cops, and went to his car which had the interior concealed from the cops to get a weapon and use it against the police. I feel bad for people so manipulated by race hustlers, the Pravda media, and meaningless slogans. They clearly lack any ability to think for themselves and are manipulated to the point that they emotionally react without any consideration of reality.
  20. Good idea for brand new thread, definitely couldn’t have put this half-baked gibberish into one of dozens of other threads talking about race. classic c-section.
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