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Everything posted by dubs

  1. I think you've got it backwards. Other teams just know to cover the ball up in those situations. Look, those fumbles actually happen to other teams as well. But in those situations it's inexcusable. Stevie and Chandler need to know that in those situations, the great play has been made and it's time to cover up or get down. Or both.
  2. Pick would be great! Almost forgot another team would want him. I also agree about the saints point. I think he's a fine slot or number 3 guy. But this game starts and ends with Stevie. In the nfl, there's close games week in and week out. Good teams make plays at the end. Stevie doesn't. He better be gone by training camp. Btw - I was simply pissed after the game. Listening to the SJ post game presser has me furious.
  3. Game is on Stevie. Period. That's an inexcusable play by a veteran and supposed "go to" guy. He needs to be cut at the end of the year or sooner. Everything else about this game is noise. Stevie, then Chandler, then everything else.
  4. I've said it once and I'll say it again, the only people to blame for this situation are the lawmakers and politicians who have precipitated this slow death in WNY. Decades of mismanagement of the area causing the economy to lag the rest of the country is the primary cause. Extending that logic, you could argue than it's the people who vote for these morons. Buffalo is small enough to be different and reverse course, but perhaps not in time to keep the team here. Only thing that saves the Bills is a miracle or a drastic upturn in the local economy. Period.
  5. The major issue I see in this that gets constantly overlooked is why buffalo and the bills are in this position to begin with. In my opinion, it starts and ends with the lack of leadership, vision and courage from our elected officials. For the last 40 years, buffalo has been plagued by inward focused politicians who were more concerned about getting elected and ruling over their little fiefdoms than looking outward for ways to keep the city competitive. There are so many opportunities to grow this area and so many positive characteristics that would attract both individuals and businesses, yet little has been done to do so. If Buffalo had at least kept pace with the rest of the country, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I think about this often. I love this city more than anything other than my wife and family. I've lived in big metropolises for most of my adult life and recently moved back. But it took a huge career change and owning my own business to make it happen. That's not the choice native buffalonians should have to make. Rather, greater opportunities need to be present here and it all starts with making sure the right people are running the city and region. For example, it boggles my mind that Buffalo hasn't poached more businesses from NYC or at least attracted more huge corporations from NYC to move their middle tier jobs to Buffalo. If a company could offload 1000 workers and cut their salary by 100,000 per year, that's a pretty big cost saving. I could go on, but you get the point. If the bills do end up leaving, it's not the Wilson's who are to blame or the future buyer. It's the failed leaderships over decades who let Buffalo fall behind. Fortunately, I don't believe the story has been fully written and I'm hopeful that we wake up and get the right people in place to lead us to prosperity. I just hope it's not too late to keep the Bills here.
  6. Love posts like this one and the original stats one. Good work!!!
  7. There is one All-Pro punter each year. Generally speaking, by the time you cut your starting punter because he sucked during the season, an All-Pro punter isn't going to be available to sign as a free agent. Mooman is fine, not great, not horrible. Carry on, nothing to see here.
  8. I know we are all fully aware of the schedule the rest of the way. Looking at the CNNSI power rankings as another measure of the weakness of our remaining schedule is interesting. In order of their power rankings we play: #31 #28 #30 #24 Then the Pats @ #6
  9. HA! When I ran the simulator with the assumption that we'd get to 9-7, I had us losing out on a tiebreaker to the Jets. Not exactly sure what the tiebreaker is that kicks us out, but that's what happened. We get to 8-8 so that final week matters, that's really all that I am hoping for. Probably pretty unlikely, but at least there is some positivity this season instead of seasons past.
  10. You're right. Really not that impressed with the Pats anyway, starters or bench players. Brady always makes them a good team capable of beating anyone and they are certainly a better them than Buffalo right now. But they are the least of Buffalo's issues for the next 5 weeks. If we get to Week 17 at 8-7, then I'll be concerned with New England.
  11. Standard public apology (aka: I'm sorry but not really) I am sorry to those of you who may have been offended by my words or actions.
  12. The Bills are definitely a better team than our next three opponents. W/regards to Atlanta, we have a much better defense and better running game. Now that Julio is out, we have a similar WR corp. They have a much better TE and a better QB. We have a better O-line. The Bills should absolutely win vs. Atlanta, but that hasn't stopped them from losing before. It really comes down to the idea of whether or not this Buffalo team is different than the Buffalo teams of the last decade. My gut says they are. Old Buffalo teams would have lost one or two of these next three games. It's going to take a new attitude to run off some wins, I hope they have it.
  13. I was looking at the contenders for the last wildcard and spot and as crazy as it sounds, Buffalo definitely has a chance. First and foremost, we obviously have to win out. That's not an easy feat, but it's definitely possible. For the sake of argument, let's just say that they beat Atlanta, TB, and Jacksonville to get to 7-7. As I said, I looked at each of the teams and the rest of their schedule and I think the Bills odds are better than slim. Maybe a small chance, ha. I went through week by week and kind of just gave each team a W/L based on what the likely scenario would be. It's pretty easy to see some teams that just are going to have a rough time based on schedule. Let's start with the bottom of the list for teams that can't afford anymore losses. San Diego plays @KC, Cincy, Giants, @ Denver and KC. They are currently 4-6, they are out. Cleveland is 4-6 and plays Pitt, @ NE, Chicago, @ Jets, @ Pitt. They are out. Tennessee is 4-6. They play @ Indy, @ Denver, Arizona. They are out. Oakland is 4-6. They play @ Dallas, @ Jets, KC, @ SD, Denver. They are out. Miami is 5-5, but have a pretty tough road. They play Carolina, @ Jets, @ Pitt, NE, @ Buffalo, Jets. Can't rule them out, but I think they are done. That leaves the Jets, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. Jets: 5-5, @ Baltimore, Miami, Oakland, @ Carolina, Cleveland, @ Miami. Pittsburgh: 4-6, @ Cleveland, @ Baltimore, Miami, Cincy, @ GB, Cleveland Baltimore: 4-6, Jets, Pittsburgh, Minnesotta, @ Detroit, New England, @ Cincy Buffalo: 4-7, BYE, Atlanta, @ TB, @ Jax, Miami, @ NE I think it's possible in this scenario where the Bills and the Jets are sitting at 8-7, tied for the last WC, going into week 17. They could have the same division and same conference record. Crazy, but possible. Maybe not likely, but possible
  14. Not sure if I can hijack this into a playoff post, but I was looking at the contenders for the last wildcard and spot and as crazy as it sounds, Buffalo definitely has a chance. First and foremost, we obviously have to win out. That's not an easy feat, but it's definitely possible. For the sake of argument, let's just say that they beat Atlanta, TB, and Jacksonville to get to 7-7. As I said, I looked at each of the teams and the rest of their schedule and I think the Bills odds are better than slim. Maybe a small chance, ha. I went through week by week and kind of just gave each team a W/L based on what the likely scenario would be. It's pretty easy to see some teams that just are going to have a rough time based on schedule. Let's start with the bottom of the list for teams that can't afford anymore losses. San Diego plays @KC, Cincy, Giants, @ Denver and KC. They are currently 4-6, they are out. Cleveland is 4-6 and plays Pitt, @ NE, Chicago, @ Jets, @ Pitt. They are out. Tennessee is 4-6. They play @ Indy, @ Denver, Arizona. They are out. Oakland is 4-6. They play @ Dallas, @ Jets, KC, @ SD, Denver. They are out. Miami is 5-5, but have a pretty tough road. They play Carolina, @ Jets, @ Pitt, NE, @ Buffalo, Jets. Can't rule them out, but I think they are done. That leaves the Jets, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. Jets: 5-5, @ Baltimore, Miami, Oakland, @ Carolina, Cleveland, @ Miami. Pittsburgh: 4-6, @ Cleveland, @ Baltimore, Miami, Cincy, @ GB, Cleveland Baltimore: 4-6, Jets, Pittsburgh, Minnesotta, @ Detroit, New England, @ Cincy Buffalo: 4-7, BYE, Atlanta, @ TB, @ Jax, Miami, @ NE I think it's possible in this scenario where the Bills and the Jets are sitting at 8-7, tied for the last WC, going into week 17. They could have the same division and same conference record. Crazy, but possible. Maybe not likely, but possible
  15. I am not saying it's going to happen, but the Bills should definitely be 8-7 going into the last game of the year. I know that sounds nuts and isn't likely to happen, but when you look at the schedule, each of the next 4 games are games the Bills SHOULD win. If it does, what a good first year for Marrone and company regardless of whether or not we make the playoffs. Final game @ NE (potentially with the playoffs on the line), a winning record on the line, a winning record in the division on the line. I know, I know, WAY ahead of myself here. But after such a long time since we were able to be excited about an end of season game, the prospect is just impossible not to think about.
  16. Are people really criticizing ANYTHING the defense did yesterday? Or the team for that matter. Mario had an excellent game. The whole defense had an excellent game.
  17. Hahaha! Awesome. I just won the lottery. It's great, $100m bucks. But I owe taxes on it, so I'm pretty bummed out. *sigh*
  18. I couldn't agree more with everything you just said. I would definitely love to read that book and find out really what happened. I have many friends that hate Flutie with the heat of a 1000 suns. I am leaning toward disliking the guy. I think at the time though, he was good for the team, simply because they were winning. No one will ever know what would have happened if Flutie started that game, unfortunately. It's easy to say we would have won, but I don't think it's that simple. I happen to believe we would have, but obviously can't prove it. It it just another instance in Buffalo sports that has turned into a, "we let another opportunity slip through our fingers".
  19. Here's the great thing about a voluntary message board: If you don't like the conversation, you don't have to participate. Telling other people that the "past isn't going to change" doesn't really add much to the discussion. Personally, I enjoy discussing events of Bills past. This particular situation was one of the most controversial topic in Bills history. I appreciate SteveWin's post! Not only for his excellent choice of an avatar, but also because that was a great find and great addition to the discussion. There's no doubt that at best, Flutie's personality was in serious question. It doesn't change my belief though that if they really thought he was such a terrible person and divided the locker room that much, they should have gotten rid of him either after the 98 season or the 99 season. But you DON'T change QB's right before a playoff game.
  20. Unfortunately for the Bills and all the fans, the NFL isn't a European style social democracy where everyone gets the exact same treatment. Personally, I like that we don't play on Monday night because it would be more embarrassing to know that we are stinking it up on National TV. I also like the idea of earning your place on Monday night football.
  21. I totally agree that this is likely the reason he got cut. I would also agree with the posters who have said you gotta take a chance on a guy with that type of talent by at least stashing him on the PS. Especially on a team that is lacking a big body receiver like that. If he turns into the next T.O., I'll be very disappointed with that decision.
  22. gotcha. sounds about right!
  23. Buffalo should have addressed this immediately after the schedule came out. Doing it now simply makes us look like a group of babies. What's done is done and the team has to man up. My question would be, what does Brandon hope to accomplish by raising the issue now? It's not like anything can change. I can just picture Goodell (or whoever is unfortunate to have the desk this lands on). "Holy crap, the Bills. I totally forgot about them. Boss, do I have to address this nonsense or can we simply ignore them until they at least finish a season in second place?"
  24. I get the subliminal message here: Don't worry Y2K will get us. But wow that new chick on the scene, Brittany something. She seems legit, like the next big star. Very responsible and quiet. Just a small town girl. Can't believe it is 1999 and about to be 2000! A whole new milenia and this team is on the right track! John Butler is awesome!
  25. Here's the thing, I don't think it's unreasonable at all to suggest that the Bills would have lost anyway. That's a fair position and I honestly do respect it. Where I get frustrated is at the point that false statements and opinion stated as fact get brought into the conversation. Look back on my posts, I never suggest that the Bills would have definitely won. My position is that at that point in the season, the Bills made a huge mistake in putting RJ in for DF. I think it disrupted the chemistry and cohesion of the team and I think DF was a good fit for the Bills offense. My support to that position is in the fact that Buffalo had a great win loss record, in 1998, 1999, and 2000 with Flutie under center. His play in 1999 was much better than some on here are suggesting. I think in retrospect, we can all agree that RJ was an unmitigated disaster throughout his career. Flutie wasn't.
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