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Everything posted by dubs

  1. I never want to see the words Charlie Weis and Exposed in the same post again. Just threw up
  2. The defense also won the KC game....then Tuel happened.
  3. The backup QB situation is my biggest complaint about the FO. After last year I would have hoped we would have at least tried to bring in a competent veteran backup for EJ. Both Tuel and Thad are pretty bad. Vick, Schaub, or Fitz would have been much better options if EJ goes down. When we trade up for a WR and give up next a years 1, it's win now mode. Having Tuel or Thad under center immediately blows that up. I'm confident Vick, Schaub, and Fitz (in that order) would have been much better in a fill in role.
  4. I'm not saying he's not smart. Clearly he is. All I'm saying is that he's got a few strange skeletons in the closet and that's a reason for concern.
  5. The Gundlach saga about his departure from TCW and his starting DoubleLine is bizarre and give me cause for concern. Drugs and porn in his office isn't a good sign. That being said, he's wildly successful and a much better alternative than the Toronto group.
  6. Would you buy a brand new car and keep it in your neighbors garage? No. And I doubt this group would want to do the same. I'd have no confidence in them doing all they can to keep the team in Buffalo. Rather be like the owners in Major League, doing all they can to move. First chance they get they are out. I'd hope to be wrong, but no shred of reason makes me think otherwise.
  7. Haha. Getting through all the posts on my phone is tough. I either have to go through them all and then comment, or see one that I want to comment on and hope that whatever I'm saying isn't dated already. Always a tough call!
  8. +1 The NFL would be dead to me. No fantasy, no other teams, no Super Bowl half time shows, no gambling, nothing. Worst of all, no TBD
  9. Gotcha. Agreed totally. Seems like a pretty benign offense. Maybe dock the pats a few first rounders!
  10. The only thing that matters is that it's a league rule, presumably there for a reason, and it's seems BB broke said rule. Every justification is just noise. The litany of excuses for behavior always amazes me. "It's not hurting anyone", "it's a stupid rule", "everyone else does it". None of those things have any relevance on whether or not BB is in fact breaking league rules again. If he in fact is, he should face sanctions.
  11. Don't sweat it bbb. Although it probably seems like it, it can't be personal. Magox has been personally attacking people as ignorant, miserable, etc... for a couple days. I guess being critical of soccer is something he/she just can't handle. I've been on that receiving end too.
  12. I saw all the players celebrating while still on the field right after the match in which they got steamrolled. Maybe that's normal, just struck me as a little strange. At least wait until you get into the locker room.
  13. Great to see the US advance to the sweet 16! But that celebration at the end of the Germany game was pretty strange. We just got absolutely demolished and barely squeaked into the next round. We finished at 500 with a 0 goal differential. How about being a little sheepish at the last game (plus mental lapse at the end of the Portugal game) getting clobbered! Maybe don't celebrate it 2 seconds after it's over. Weird.
  14. If you read the methodology, you'd see that actual injuries were discarded from the numbers. To be fair, it is actually possible to get hurt playing soccer. You can clang heads. You can snap a hamstring. You can get spiked in the soft tissue. There were nine injuries in total that forced players to be substituted from the game and to miss, or potentially miss, a match. These were discarded. That left 293 cases of potential embellishment that collectively took up 118 minutes, 21 seconds. So maybe Dempseys was included by Altidore certainly not.
  15. Splitting hairs and playing semantics is the last vestige of the vanquished. You understand the point. Doesn't matter anyway, in a few weeks all the soccer hipsters can go back to watching the EPL on Saturday mornings instead of the four year cicada like infestation.
  16. You're the one getting bent out of shape about it. Just because people don't agree with you're assessment of grueling doesn't mean they are ignorant and you're enlightened. I've played soccer, football, basketball. There is not a doubt that soccer is the least grueling and least taxing on your body. I'm not saying that soccer is not exhausting, it is. But when people portray it to be so grueling it's just a little disingenuous.
  17. On a separate but related note, I just learned that a fairly significant portion of the team (at least 5 that I could count) was not born nor did they grow up in the US and are dual citizens with English as a second language, including the coach! This sport gets more bizarre every day.
  18. Hahaha. You guys are priceless. So touchy when it comes to the precious passion of soccer.
  19. If Nintendo had a soccer game like the Ice Hockey game back in the early 90s, I'd pick the all fat team with one medium and win in that as well.
  20. I don't have time to correct the factual errors in that rant, so I'll just clarify one thing and sort of agree with you. I'm not saying Richard Sherman could step onto a soccer field and be as good as messi tomorrow. What I'm saying is if guys like Sherman, Graham, LeBron, CJ, and dozens of other football and basketball players grew up playing soccer instead of the other sports, they'd dominate the game. DOMINATE.
  21. Oy Vey! The answer for football should be obvious. There's an offense, defense, special teams, game circumstances, and injuries because it's a collision sport. In other words it's a lot more exhausting to run with a 300lb man trying to tackle you than it is to jog up and down a field. Basketball is also a much more physical game and only 5 players on the court. The court is also much smaller and the level of exertion is consistently higher for the guys on the court. Think of it like this. If you're at the gym, measure your heart rate and compare jogging on the treadmill and bench pressing a significant weight for you. Then tell me what's more exhausting and what heart rate is higher.
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