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Everything posted by dubs

  1. Is Josh Freeman still available?? Just checked, he's a free agent. I know he fell off a cliff last year but man, at least he has physical skills for an NFL player. He had a pretty good year in '12 and would be at worst, better than the killer T's. Thad and Tuel.
  2. Haha!!! And focus on chinstrap security instead of scoring touchdowns
  3. Holy crap! Charles has the largest legs in the history of legs!
  4. Let's go Eeejjj! I'd be pretty confident it's EJ
  5. Why not go for that? Carpenter is the last guy on the team that needs live reps! Oy Vey!
  6. Would you have traded EJ now for Andrew Luck before he took an NFL snap?
  7. Eh...I think weather is too often used as a convenient crutch or excuse. The weather in Chicago sucks, the weather in Boston sucks, the weather in Toronto sucks, the weather in Minneapolis sucks, the weather in London sucks. I'd even make the argument that the weather in Houston sucks.
  8. Agreed. It's a fine line and I learned a few times not to cross it on The Stadium Wall. It's unfortunate though. Starting with politics almost makes an assumption of fact that politics are necessary, so it becomes a question if sides. When in reality all Buffalonians should be on the same side and our 'advaseries' would be other cities, states, etc... The more decisions are made that better buffalo, the better it is for all of us. But I know that sounds hokey or unrealistic.
  9. Didn't see this topic posted, thought it to be refreshing and certainly relevant to the Bills in Buffalo discussion. http://mobile.buffalonews.com/?articleRedirect=1 IMHO, the decline of Buffalo over the last 40 years has been the biggest, unnecessary tragedy of the area. It's relevant because even if we get our wish and the Pegula's buy the Bills, their ownership is likely only a band aid. While improvement have been made over recent months to the climate of the area, the only thing that can truly reverse the direction is the attraction of new businesses to the area. Thought this a potentially interesting discussion. Would love to hear others opinions on this, maybe some personal experiences.
  10. Ha! That ball was on life support You gotta grab that Farley!!
  11. Nice challenge Dougie! you're my boy BLUE!
  12. If Tuel leads Dixon that's a first down. CUT! Ugh. Classic Tuel.
  13. Graham is donesy huh. PS - Dombrowski!!!
  14. Ah..that makes sense. In a way I was preferring he went full Constanza and stopped caring about appearances.
  15. What in the name of John Daly is Marrone wearing? Full royal blue parachute apparel!?! Wow
  16. Keeping it loose tonight. Gragg, Smith, Chandler, Riesmera, Metzalaars, McKeller...same difference!
  17. Chandler head butting Dixon without a helmet is incredible. What a beast!!
  18. Effin auto correct!!
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