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Everything posted by billsfan89

  1. I hope they do turn it up just a little for the third pre-season game. I think at some point during the pre-season you have to rev up the engines and get into regular season mode. The 4th preseason game is a joke as far as starters are concerned so that really only leaves this up coming preseason game which is when the starters play the most to at least get the team into gear. Not saying it excuses the poor tackling of the D and the poor execution of the offense but if the team is mailing in the preseason its a very weird thing to do.
  2. I think what he is saying is that while the Bills didn't look great on D (In particular the LB's and DB's tackling) there was more to meets the eye in that the Vikings were using a gameplan and the Bills weren't. But what's not encouraging is the Bills lack of tackling by Wilson, Barnett, and Shep all three allowed big gains due to lack of execution that's not a good thing.
  3. Going to include QB as part of the flex position. Also the league is at 11 with 1 more invite sent. For now I can't accept anymore requests. If by Sunday night those who were invited but didn't register, I will give an update on Sunday night about what exactly is the status of the league. Thanks so much everyone, interest in the league has been very good only one more spot to be filled. And if there are more people who want to play, there could be another league set up (By someone else, I can't comish two leagues), I did mine on Yahoo and it was very easy.
  4. My pop warner league (7th and 8th grade) had weight limits, 135 for running backs, and 145 for linemen, I was always above the backs weight but under the linemen weight but I played line anyway so it didn't matter to me. I don't see what the big deal is, its a kids league they shouldn't have to go up against men that could seriously hurt them, that's what high school football is for.
  5. 6 players are in 6 more spots open (more than 12 would be too watered down) but there will be a 10$ per person pool with a 80-120$ prize distributed to the top three. If you want in just PM me and I will give you the league ID# and Password. League is also on Yahoo. Positional breakdown 1- QB 2- RB's 3- WR's 1- TE 1- Flex (RB, WR, TE) 1- Kicker 1- Defense/Special Teams Still thinking about changing the Flex position.
  6. Plus if the case is high profile it could be a prosecutor trying to make a name for himself. IF the students were all 18 and it was consensual I would have to think that any jail time is just outlandish. House arrest for a short period of time, probation, community service, and removing of her license to teach and banning her from teaching again all seem like a fit punishment. What she did was wrong, but was it criminal enough to do hard time? Not really.
  7. If it could be a conditional 4th that could bump up to a 3rd if Harvin plays all 16 and makes the probowl I am fine with it. If its going to be a 2nd pass. The Jets will likely overpay and give up a 2nd and a big contract for the guy. Its sad how desperate the Jets are for WR help. But if the price is right Harvin could be worth a gamble, he is exactly what we need.
  8. There seems to be a demand for a cash prize in order to keep the league competitive. I am thinking about having a 10$ pool. Minimum 8 players (10$ each) and of course if we get more players the prizes go up. 1st place 45$ 2nd place 25$ 3rd place 10$ If you are interested be prepared for that possibility.
  9. Maybe sucked was a little harsh but his stats last year were 3091 yards 14 TD's 13 INT's 60% completion percentage, I would have to qualify that as painfully mediocre. Compare that to Fitz the last two seasons I have to say Fitz is better, not dramatically better but clearly better. Fitz has also not had the best supporting staff in particular the 2010 season.
  10. Scoring System continued Kickers Field Goals 0-39 yards 3 points Field Goals 40-49 yards 4 points Field Goals 50+ yards 5 points Extra Points made 1 point Extra Points missed -2 points Defense/Special Teams Shutout 12 points 1-6 points 8 points 7-13 points 5 points 14-20 points 1 point 21-27 points 0 points 28-34 points -3 points 35+ points -6 points Sack 1 point Int 2 points Fumble recovery 2 points TD 6 points Safety 2 points Blocked Kick 2 points Kick Off or Punt return TD 6 points Negative yards allowed 15 points 0-99 yards allowed 6 points 100-199 yards allowed 2 points 500+ yards allowed -3 points If anyone has any suggestions or questions please PM me.
  11. If I get enough serious interest in the league I would consider having some sort of finical incentive and if the price is reasonable a trophy to be mailed to the winner with their name engraved (If it gets to be serious and lots of fun). In addition the league is set up and there are still spots remaining (Using Yahoo). The scoring system is as follows Passing Passing TD's 4 points INT's -2 points Passing Yards 30 yards 1 point 40+ yard completions 1 point Rushing Rushing TD 6 points Rushing yards 10 yards 1 point 40+ yard rushes 1 point per Receiving Receiving TD 6 points Receiving yards 10 yards 1 point 40+ yard receptions 1 point per MISC 2 pt conversions 2 points fumbles lost -2 points Offensive fumble return TD 6 points
  12. I have seen Travaris Jackson bounce a pass off the ground to a wide open receiver with zero and I do mean zero pressure on him. The Vikings won with him because they had a stacked D, stacked O-line, and AP. He has sucked with Seattle. Not saying he wouldn't make a bad backup (Guy can run and make a few plays once in a while, and has played in a system where they asked him not to lose games) somewhere but he isn't an upgrade from Thigpen or Vince Young. In fact T.Jackson and V.Young are pretty much the same player. No use giving up a late round pick for something we already have on the roster.
  13. Its possible to simply like Lucks talent that much as opposed to hating the Bills talent. Giving up Dareus and two other talented young players for a rookie QB is a lot (Plus you would also have to give back Fitz in addition to the three players). And it would certainly be close to equal value for the Colts. They would be getting a lot back in return. But that's how good I think Luck will be that giving up a lot for him results in getting a lot back. Now if you told me we have to give up Fitz, plus let them select any 3 players off our roster plus our 1st rounder next season I would have serious reservations.
  14. Yes its not even close, Dareus (From a trade perspective the most valuable player on the team) and any other two players (Plus Fitz) for Luck and I wouldn't even bat an eye. If they wanted to take Dareus, Byrd, and Mario/Gilmore/Stevie/Levitre/Whoever to swap QB's I say hell yes. And that's not to say losing those defensive players wouldn't hurt but come on Fitz is at best a lower top 10 QB. Luck could be the QB that dominates the league 3-5 years form now. Its a risk for sure as you would be giving up the farm for a guy who is still an unknown. But the reward is far greater than the risk.
  15. Hoping to do a standard fantasy league, Live draft, not a keeper league, and free to play. Scoring will likely be decided in detail later but standard fantasy scoring. 8-12 teams. 4 team playoff or 6 teams if we get to 12.
  16. I have only one fantasy football league this year and I am looking for a second league to get into. Looking for 8-12 people, also looking for people who will pay attention to the league and not lose interest. If you are serious about joining the league just PM me. Any questions just respond to the thread.
  17. How anyone could get upset about picks made in round 4 or lower is beyond me. I liked the Searcy pick, later rounds are always about getting good players regardless of position or need.
  18. It just adds an extra look to the offense. Seems like the Bills like to use it in short yardage type situations. I have no problem with it.
  19. The guy looked good in one pre-season game, calm down lets see him do it when it counts.
  20. The guy isn't worth the distraction, when he was talented Cincy put up with him because he produced and he kept himself out of legal trouble. Now he is having legal trouble and has been on the decline for the past several years. This team has been distraction free, why bring that on for a marginal talent? Yeah if he was a really good receiver you could make a case that the offense's need for a receiver could out weight the chance for distraction. But at this point I would rather ride with what we have then bring in a marginal talent who can distract the team. The juice simply isn't worth the squeeze. At this point I think Chad Johnson might get a call from the Jets during the season.
  21. I would do Levitre in season Yes but Fitz and K.Williams were done in season and before season. While I think that we don't have to sign all three I would sign Levitre in season then try to get Byrd done. If Byrd can't get done in season fine but I think out of the big two (Urbik needs to show more in order to warrant a big extension) they need to get one done in season to take the pressure off of the front office going into free agency. They would also have the franchise tag to lock up either one. Get Levitre done and worry about the rest come the off-season. Plenty of cap space as is to get him a raise.
  22. I could see them just keeping it open and simply having to cut one less person come the cut down to 75.
  23. Jasper is the most hyped 7th round pick I have ever seen. Too bad he seemed to try and have potential. But you knew his days were numbered when last pre-season he didn't look like he belonged with the third stringers.
  24. Carder will go to the PS and be brought up to the team on injury.
  25. No way they cut Morrision, they might bench him and put him as a backup but I can't see them cutting the guy when the position is so drastically thin. Troup I think they would rather just IR him and bring him into camp next season, with such a small cap him and a high draft choice invested in him I could see them trying to simply give him another go next year. Easley I could see getting cut, although I think that they will give him till the final cut to try to impress. Choice I could see getting cut too. McGee I think will make the team but I see him as on the bubble, but once again they will give him till the final cuts. As for Brad Smith the guy is the third string/emergency QB and a wildcat specialist. In addition to running the wildcat and special teams ability I think he also gives the team value as being able to line up at receiver. Overall Smith's versatility and ability to run the wildcat will put him on the roster this season.
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