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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Beanz is back back again Beanz is back Tracy Diaz
  2. Nader goes way back with the Clintons and Trump. He donated money to both campaigns.
  3. Is that James Rosen asking the question? Wasn't he fired by Fox for sexual harassment?
  4. Fact witnesses and expert witnesses are both witnesses.
  5. https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx
  6. Everyone knows the 4 witnesses were not fact witnesses. A medical examiner called to the stand in a murder case is not a fact witness. Why is the right gaslighting the public with this lame narrative?
  7. Mostly? So all 4 'witnesses' They were all "mostly impartial." That's not impartial.
  8. Like you said - their testimony was equivalent to an amicus brief. There will be more hearings and fact witnesses.
  9. I'm at least glad you'll consider new facts as new witnesses are introduced.
  10. What actual crime did the previous administration commit? Too bad Schiff didn't call on a scholar like you to speak to the nation yesterday
  11. Me too - more time for the courts go through all the appeals regarding his finances. There's a reason Trump and his minions keep screaming IMPEACHMENT BY CHRISTMAS! Trump wants it to happen ASAP
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