As we descri be in Chapter Three, the FBI
opened Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016, just days
after its receipt of information from a Friendly Foreign
Government (FFG) reporting that, in May 2016, during
a meeting with the FFG, then Trump campaign foreign
policy advisor George Papadopoulos "suggested the
Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from
Russia that it could assist this process with the
anonymous release of information during the campaign
that would be damaging to Mrs. Clinton (and President
Obama)." The FBI Electronic Communication (EC)
opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation stated
that, based on the FFG information, "this investigation
is being opened to determine whether individual(s)
associated with the Trump campaign are witting of
and/or coordinating activities with the Government of
Russia." We did not find information in FBI or
Department ECs, emails, or other documents, or
through witness testimony, indicating that any
information other than the FFG information was relied
upon to predicate the opening of t he Crossfire Hurricane