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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. oh ***** wrong user name and let's be serious for a second... a US and Iraq war wouldn't be WWIII It would be just another middle east war
  2. "I do not read Gary's posts" - DR - yep, you're a liar.
  3. DR will not comment DR has been programmed DR is a TrumpPC indictments will be coming late fall/early winter, too
  4. Yep - you're a ***** idiot Has Ellen been arrested yet for the Vegas shooting?
  5. "Qassem Suleimani IS DEAD. He's been dead since 2015" - DR January 2018 "the sources I've been talking with about this for years, with evidence to back it up, were right all this time" - DR - January 2020 WAKE UP SHEEPLE
  6. Except for "Suleimani" being dead since 2015. I'd be shocked if you were above the Mendoza line.
  7. What the ***** was this @Deranged Rhino? Just proof you're a clown.
  8. He has called NATO obsolete and has avoided publicly backing Article 5.
  9. You're right - I don't think he hates NATO, though he has disparaged the alliance many times. Odd for him to use it in his speech. IMO
  10. Didn't miss *****. The administration looks great today. Proud as always to be an American. Back to my TDS
  11. You are a worse poster than row 33 - that's saying a lot. At least bring some humor with your clown costume.
  12. Glad he acted presidential and addressed the nation. Not sure what to think, though, about him going to NATO for help (doesn't he hate NATO?) and claiming he killed 100% of ISIS. I think to act like this is over and either side won is stupid. Nobody wins or loses in wars except for those that die - sadly there is more bloodshed to come.
  13. When's that US and Iran summit you predicted dipschift?
  14. Trump is a coward. He owes it to address the troops.
  15. Love it - Hooper or Henry would be my offensive FA and I'd get the best WR available at 22.
  16. Brady's stats from the Ten. game is an illustration of how much Brady has fallen off a cliff and has zero to do with the Bills QB, head coach, water boy, etc.
  17. Indeed - still waiting to "lock her up"
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