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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Pick and choose the rules that apply, just like the House Dems
  2. The minority was also permitted to call fact witnesses and a couple of their witnesses did testify. It also wasn't a trial.
  3. See what @Cinga so eloquently said above. It hasn't been set yet. You say an even playing field is needed. How does that happen?
  4. So I should go ***** myself? The way I see it is that... 1. Democrats and Republicans both call witnesses. 2. Republicans exonerate Trump without calling a single witness. Neither of these options even the playing field, though. So what is your suggestion?
  5. Do you also speak for your mother, or just for @CoudyBills?
  6. Because we have a difference in political beliefs? I figured you were better than most of the lot here... nope.
  7. What's the point of linking the TOS in this thread then?
  8. What do we think about posters who purposely violate the forum's terms of service and double down after they are called out on it?
  9. Please stop with the personal insults. It's against the TOS.
  10. If Schiff is a material fact witness shouldn't McConnell want to call him as a witness?
  11. They requested witnesses before but don't want to now. How is it too late if the Republicans make the rules? I wish I had some of Bob's medical.
  12. And McConnell was for witnesses then. Who the hell cares? It was ~30 years ago.
  13. So why were the witnesses requested then?
  14. Bring those requested witnesses in now then, Elise.
  15. In 1998 Alan Dershowitz said there does not need to be a crime for impeachment, though. That is Trump's current lawyer who is arguing the opposite today. Perhaps it's because people choose the side that most closely aligns with their personal interests.
  16. Miss any indictments over the weekend or are these folks still free?
  17. Many Democrats, many Republicans, and Trump's new lawyer Alan Dershowitz had different views on impeachment when Clinton was tried.
  18. Good. He is an embarrassment to the region
  19. Shenault & Gandy-Golden
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