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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Not only does he realize it, he cherishes it
  2. Nobody thinks you're a Republican - you're attached to Trump at the hip. You are part of his propaganda machine.
  3. Most conspiracy theories are a trailer because they are snippets of scenes/facts designed to make you feel a certain emotion toward the outcome, ie I gotta see this movie/***** HILLARY!
  4. Especially on dating apps
  5. You're better than this, Foxx Enjoy your weekend
  6. Indeed - Trump is the ultimate decider so the fact he is asking someone as crooked as Parnas/Fruman to take out Yavonovitch is damning - that's part of the point.
  7. Publicly? Today. The president spoke hearsay and speculation into the public discourse - I can report, it's not very serious At best, the President was wrong. Just like Obama was with his keep your doctor comment - although I think that comment, like Trump's, is closer to a lie than being wrong.
  8. Fair. He said this two days ago, and two weeks after the initial comment, though - "I heard that they had headaches, and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it's not very serious." Traumatic brain injuries are quite serious. 17 of the 34 injured soldiers are still recovering in Germany or the United States.
  9. Edited for you - over 16k - my bad. I don't mind admitting when I'm wrong. 16,241 as of Monday January 20th Fox I see you gave this a thumbs up - you also don't think Trump lied when he said “No Americans were harmed in last night's attack”?
  10. Trump has now lied over 16,000 times for those keeping score at home
  11. To clarify to non bots - the point I am making is Trump is a liar.
  12. Of course. Why is he telling someone he says he doesn't know (Parnas) to take her out?
  13. This thread is about Trump's lies. Trump lied about the impact the attacks had on our troops.
  14. Trump doesn't know Parnas, though. "He's a con man, I don't know him"
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