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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. And what the ***** is happening in Afghanistan?
  2. What if those initiatives that would harm the economy keep your drinking water safe?
  3. Good bump - thought one of these traitors was finally indicted
  4. kHiZr kHaN ClInToN CaMpAiGn dOnOr aNd fAcIlItAtOr oF SkIrTiNg uS ImMiGrAtIoN LaWs. A MoDeL CiTiZeN.
  5. C'mon - we all know you've got a crush on Bob I just hope Tracy Beanz doesn't find out
  6. No doubt! Maybe Trump Jr., Eric, or Ivanka can be his running mate - Nepotism 2024
  7. Didn't you hear douchewad Rick Wilson hurt your feelings last night?
  8. Great - bring 'em all in Especially Chalupa - and of course Donald
  9. Wahhhhhhh moron Rick Wilson made fun of me #SenileOldRightWingDudeBad
  10. Is "ganga" a new flavor of Bubblicious?
  11. Thread from Kellyanne Conway's husband on the president's stupidity when it comes to geography
  12. Want some cheese with that wine? You sound like a liberal.
  13. What the ***** is going on in Afghanistan? Lots of credible rumors...
  14. I read here VIndman's brother leaked it.
  15. For sure - you've got a great track record
  16. Good chance those GOP sources are drinking at a Trump Hotel, yes.
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