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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. How are you today Boy Man? Asshat? Try to come up with an original insult. I'm the ass hat.
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/06/21/turnout-at-trumps-tulsa-rally-was-just-under-6200a-fraction-of-the-venues-19200-capacity/#654e1fdf1fed
  3. #FakeNews 6200 according to the Tulsa Fire Department.
  4. Blocks us but can't shut up about us
  5. Go hypothesize this in your bidding touching thread you like to fantasize in with 3th thing
  6. Until about 6 PM (When they realized nobody was there) Trump and Pence were scheduled to talk with the overflow crowd outside. Of course. It was a lose lose for Trump. He's a loser.
  7. Could Google it but that would mean I give a crap.
  8. I'm not sure but there was an empty overflow space outside that nobody showed up to which you definitely did not need a ticket for. Yes, Jim - you did. The rally was a failure
  10. Burton Cummings would be vilified as a communist by many of the people who love his music if he released this tune today
  11. lol 6200 showed up. The children ordering tickets didn't stop adults from also ordering tickets and showing up.
  12. Even the pilot is embarrassed for Trump.
  13. 6200 showed up according to Tulsa Fire Department
  14. @Hedge did you get Eric's autograph tonight?
  15. Nah dog - it's a general thought. The place was supposed to be mobbed with Trump supporters. It wan't. Oklahoma is a Trump heavy state. Fewer Trump fans showed up than anticipated.
  16. The people of Oklahoma are smart for not attending the rally.
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