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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. According to Rush Limbaugh
  2. "over 500" is a generous way to put it
  3. So that's how it spreads
  4. I'm still in the cave with Bob blasting the bong. Truth telling humans running circles around people in a field sounds pretty boring and a lot like Duck, Duck, Goose or maybe Heads Up 7 Up.
  5. Did Trump really destroy CNN or are you (again) premature with your celebration?
  6. "We have contained this, I won't say airtight but pretty close to airtight." -- Kudlow
  7. No doubt - specifically in China to make the scheme seem less sketchy - I'm sure DR has already cracked the case wide open. Expect an opus soon.
  8. The feeling is mutual, my man! JK I don't give a ***** it's PPP
  9. Koko is trying to graduate preschool but can't get past the ice cream stage.
  10. Interesting way for the Howie Hawkins campaign to spread it's message
  11. Is everyone in San Francisco still triggered about calling convicted felons some other buzzword term or has that bull#### passed its 15 minutes of fame?
  12. Hope this feces stain rots in jail for life.
  13. You forgot my 7th username DC Tom
  14. February 21st and we already have the post of the year
  15. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/man-arrested-threatening-kill-schiff-schumer-impeachment/story?id=69077522 A Western New York man was arrested Wednesday on charges that he threatened to kill Rep. Adam Schiff and Sen. Chuck Schumer. Salvatore Lippa, 57, of Greece, New York, was charged with threatening to assault and murder a federal official on account of the performance of their official duties. Lippa started the threatening message by calling the congressman "Schiff, Shifty Schiff," invoking the nickname used by President Donald Trump for Schiff, the lead House manager during Trump's impeachment trial. Almost two weeks later, on Feb. 4, Schumer received a threatening voicemail at his New York office that also contained a death threat. In the threat, Lippa paired Schumer with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying "Hey, Schumer, you and Nancy Pelosi are..." according to the complaint. When questioned by U.S Capitol Police, Lippa admitted to making the threatening calls to Schiff and Schumer because he said he was upset about the impeachment proceedings, prosecutors said. Was this one of you?
  16. As far as I know Gregory Timm still under investigation. Do you have information we don't on that? You can also blame Iowa state habitual offender law for Adolfo Martinez being sentenced to 16 years. It was his 3rd felony which by state law tripled his sentence.
  17. I'll dispute them until you literally come up with THOUSANDS of examples. Good luck NJ. ❤️
  18. Not desperate - following the facts without spinning first like you are Boy Man. Rohrabacher's recent statements contradict what he has said previously about the same subject - odd you find him so trustworthy. The lawyer will have to back up his claim - at that time the facts will be laid out.
  19. Did Assange's lawyer recant his statement? (no)
  20. lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you are trash seabass
  21. Link is still there but is irrelevant to Ben's report that Boy Man is looking forward to being discredited. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-offered-assange-pardon-if-he-covered-up-russian-hack-court-hears?source=twitter&via=desktop
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