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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. And in what country is it located in? And what kind of health care system does that country have? Seems like a good example of a private company doing research and development within the constraints of a universal healthcare system.
  2. I keep reading research and discovery is impossible in a universal healthcare system.
  3. Get ready - the time to double down on Kudlow has begun
  4. How is that possible? I read here Trump had already destroyed CNN.
  5. Coronavirus scare + already overvalued socks = major selloff. I hope the bleeding stops soon
  6. Pence is one for one in ***** up major health crisis right - like i said - two scoops
  7. This libtard makes a great point
  8. When Pence ***** this up it'll give Trump the political opportunity to name a new VP. Make sure you get your votes in.
  9. So what specifically needed to be corrected from the USA Today story, in your opinion, of course?
  10. It seems like quite the backpedal. What was wrong about the initial USA Today story that needs to be corrected?
  11. You go, girl. Though your math sucks. 3/4 of 18 is 13 1/2.
  12. Does this include writers who were paid by Les Moonves?
  13. This is an opinion piece. The views expressed in this article are those of just the author.
  14. It's a win for humanity
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