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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. His comments are about Moderna's vaccine
  2. It's fair to bring politics into it when politicians talk about it - like the president of the USA - and make the situation look like something it is not. "When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done."
  3. What fear mongering are these people talking about? Facts are facts.
  4. Will Dr. Bandito be back today with evidence of the hoax? Story at 6
  5. Where is this data from? According to the latest CDC estimates for people with the flu if you go by deaths per hospitalizations it's .069 or 7%. Deaths per medical visits is .002 or 0.2% and if you go by deaths per flu symptoms it's way less than that. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html
  6. Merkel is right on the money.
  7. Don't forget Rhino's twitter
  8. What outlets should be highlighted that do a good job in sharing the news?
  9. This hoax is causing problems all over the world
  10. Are you going to tell us what the "hoax" is or what, doc?
  11. Also this is a threat. And I'm not going to report you. Because I'm not a fvcking pvssy. Have a good day Dr. Bandito.
  12. I'll be sure to mummify myself in the 10 years of toilet paper I bought for the hoax.
  13. Report this one too Dr. Bandito as I still don't think you know what the fvck you're talking about. What is this "hoax" you speak of? Define it.
  14. With all due respect you do not know what the fvck you're talking about. I'll ask again - What is the "hoax" you speak of Dr. Bandito?
  15. Not it isn't. What hoax are you talking about?
  16. Why would I buy 10 years of toilet paper?
  17. Allegedly, yes, he has so far. Hopefully it stays that way.
  18. Thanks for the specifics foxxy man that are three posts above.
  19. No I didn't. There won't be fans in the SAP Center until at least April. Maybe they will be the first North American team to play in front of an empty rink.
  20. San Jose Sharks cancelling home games in March
  21. No kidding. But Trump tweeted it and Rush said it so it's going to become a talking point unfortunately.
  22. #Obama/BidenMenBad - 3 days until the 12th
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