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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. That's why the quote is interesting. Curious as to the specifics. Not offended
  2. It would be sound if there was a specific example of this happening. The only reason non ICU patients would be in an ICU bed is because the non ICU beds in the hospital are full. It's a brutal quote and a terrible soundbite for anyone who still has respect for how Florida is going about handling the crisis.
  3. What a liar. Is that more or less of a lie than saying your Dad was born in Germany when he was born in NYC?
  4. Interesting... A hospital loses money if they have non-ICU patients in ICU beds (At least the ones in Chautauqua county do/would...) Did he give any specific examples of this happening? The news this morning reported deaths dropping drastically Boy Man.
  5. Not surprised - you're a racist.
  6. Is going to be the GTD for all his empty rallies going forward? He has one scheduled tomorrow in Arizona I think..
  7. Careful asking that guy about videos - you might get arrested, too.
  8. Yes - go on. Start a new thread to summarize your thesis.
  9. That is Donald Trump.
  10. Again - the registration scam did not suppress any turnout. What it did was inflate the amount of people the Trump campaign thought were interested in tickets.
  11. Getting? He is morbidly obese. He should reach out to the Chef here to see how to lose a few pounds.
  12. Not sure. Interesting comparison that shows the EU has had success combating the virus. There were tons of restrictions throughout the EU, though, as I recall. George Soros paid me $500 for this post.
  13. #FakeVirus #CurveIsFlat #November5thVirusWillBeOver
  14. Gotta give the guy/girl/bot credit, though. It runs a hilariously stupid propaganda campaign for Trump on Twitter and it also told us Soleimani died 5 years before the main stream media confirmed it.
  15. Lol Has Tracy Beanz returned your calls yet? Must be extra lonely in Momma's basement during the pandemic.
  16. Lol Your schtick is old hat, ass hat.
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