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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Tibs is a vet who has proudly served his country. You're a clown on TBD.
  2. You just can't wait to see American blood on American streets. Disgusting 3th thing is still upset he's not a victim. One day he will be
  3. Careful with the big font - you might get yelled at
  4. Your question requires mostly assumption but I would assume subject B would be living like all subjects are right now - they are free to sit on a park bench and free to work. Just stay 6 feet away from whoever else in the park and work in an essential or from home job.
  5. Indeed - which is why people are rightfully upset the government dragged their feet throughout January and February.
  6. Google antibody testing. It's already being developed for Covid-19 by numerous companies.
  7. The swoosh or L curve would get pushed out another 6-8 months with another mass outbreak in the fall
  8. What thread would a lunch lady like yourself put information about the amount of Americans who applied for unemployment? I've seen statistics on Trump's fantastic job numbers through the beginning of his presidency through 2019 in this thread countless times.
  9. No. Develop an antibody test. Test anyone else who has symptoms or has come into contact with a known positive patient. Practice social distancing. Stay isolated.
  10. When it comes to testing that is the pinnacle goal for sure
  11. I also think the CDC guidelines (Did Fauci have a hand in writing these? I assume so...) telling people to stay 6 feet apart speaks to the obvious point that if you have symptoms, to stay away from others.
  12. Your obvious point is obvious but many people who spread the disease are asymptomatic
  13. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/490713-fauci-improved-testing-and-tracing-can-help-reopen-country "The one thing we hopefully would have in place, and I believe we will have in place, is a much more robust system to be able to identify someone who's infected, isolate them and then do contact tracing," Fauci said. "If you have a really good program of containment, that prevents you from ever having to get into mitigation. We're in mitigation right now," he added. Other experts have echoed Fauci's comments, saying that widespread testing is key for the country to return to normalcy and reopen businesses. That kind of capability will allow any infected people to be quickly identified and then isolated.
  14. Maybe this is what @Boatdrinks was talking about when he said the sheep need to stop following the governors' orders.
  15. What are you suggesting the sheep in NY and CA do? Open up their bars and restaurants in disobedience of the government order? Go outside and play a 7 on 7 game of touch football in the park?
  16. Sometimes the propaganda network brings on the wrong guest
  17. Republicans are a disease worse than covid19. See how utterly stupid that sounds?
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