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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. No need to be ignorant of facts just to dunk on your political opponents. Thought you were better than that bUt TwO MiLlIoN pEoPlE
  2. Scientific modeling suggested more than 2 million people would die if no changes were put in place.
  3. No - DR makes ***** up constantly
  4. The wall Mexico paid for is beautiful - the 8th wonder of the world
  5. Your avatar makes you look like Dawson Knox Do you typically like to round of groups of people you don't like and send them to slaughter?
  6. I'm not replying to you. Buffalo Gal says the talking points being released by the TDSers are even nuttier than usual the last 48 hours. Her talking point example is Hydroxychloroquine is unproven for COVID-19 treatment That talking point is echoed by Dr. Fauci. So I ask, does Dr. Fauci have a case of TDS?
  7. Every coach is under the threat of being fired - it's the NFL. We're over 3 years into the regime. McDermott is responsible for McDermott. Trump is responsible for Trump.
  8. Imagine a Bills fan blaming Rex Ryan because McDermott was not prepared lol That's you Is your plan to load us up in cattle cars or what?
  9. Boy Man have you spent your entire Sunday looking for evidence that CNN continues to lose credibility as each day passes?
  10. Comrade Fudge or Techno Frog in a battle to the death - who wins?
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