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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Without triple-internet-hearsay logic error there wouldn't be a deep state, though
  2. Please don't say those words around 3th thing I wish I could take credit for that one
  3. When every "good" thing Trump has done fits in a 5 pane comic strip that might be a sign he's not doing enough
  4. True - so the question remains - how does Trump wipe his ass since Obama used the last roll of toilet paper before he left?
  5. Only if you use it as 1 ply... it changes the game when you stick two pages together
  6. Phew! Good thing you came out of the woodwork to state an obvious fact Must be why they have record sales
  7. Obama used the last roll of TP in the White House too. Has Trump been wiping his ass with his hand this whole time?
  8. Please @ the spacey red pill dude next tweet - he needs some extra views this week https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump
  9. Has boy man missed a single story about grocery bags? Thanks for keeping us informed.
  10. Nice to see you've both come full circle back to IT'S THE FLU DAMMIT
  11. It's easy to quote things idiots on this board have said - like the mega-creep below. I would not want him around any children.
  12. Where are the data from the other North American countries that the United States shares borders with?
  13. Entire thing was a SNAFU. The Navy should be embarrassed at how they have handled this situation.
  14. If you are going to blame Fauci for EVERYTHING ELSE at least spell his name right.
  15. Checked "billsfan1959 posts his favorite chart again" off today's bingo board
  16. Slow in Winslow - what does this even mean? You can, though.
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