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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Come in here guns blazing claiming FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS and then saying 8k die per day in NYC is a good example of spreading panic
  2. Really. It ***** sucks and I'll admit I'm quite emotional about it - especially today.
  3. If it wasn't for Covid 19 these folks would not have died when they did. Aren't you also one of the people saying China is undercounting deaths?
  4. The saddest thing I have read today about this is some of the unclaimed are spouses with only one other living relative who also happens to be hospitalized for Covid so they are unable to claim the body
  5. I'm not judging I am acknowledging a fact. He did it for political gain. It was a smart move on his part - it obviously has worked.
  6. So full of hate on Good Friday
  7. You twist facts almost as well as the Rhino
  8. Replying to the dude who said it was Obama's fault. Ask him.
  9. 100% Obama should have refilled the stockpile. Trump also should have his first couple years in office. They both ***** it up
  10. So it is political? Thanks I'm replying to someone who says he doesn't see political gain. Stay in your lane crock doc
  11. You know the woman's political party but not her name because it was about politics.
  12. What's her name? Don't look it up.
  13. I think her comments were too. Trump was more interested in letting everyone know she was a Democrat than letting anyone even know her name. He did it for political gain. IMO
  14. Who cares? The press's job has been the press's job since 1776. Trump should man up, deal with it, and lead the country. Instead he ***** about the WSJ while thousands are dying.
  15. 87.1K people are talking about this Agreed
  16. If you have a cell phone you're already tracked
  17. The President during a briefing bragged that he saved a Democrats life and was now sure she would vote for him #OrangeManBad I know, but that's a fact
  18. How is it tricky? If my doctor said I had a year left because of xyz disease and I died in 2 months of a heart attack the cause of death would be a heart attack, not xyz disease. _________________________________________ I find it interesting Trump's base that thinks China under-counted (I think so too) is starting to talk like the US is being over-counted. They don't want the truth.
  19. Trying to doxx someone? You're scum
  20. About as good as his casinos, his steaks, and his school
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