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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. True - but when it opens too soon fewer people will go out than did before.
  2. Nah - we just outnumber you by millions.
  3. Except for all the lives it has saved - do not discount that. I agree, though, there's no going back to normal until adequate test and trace is in place - and that doesn't appear to be close.
  4. Here you are projecting without stats again Your memes are almost as good as your hero DR's. Keep it up - you're getting there.
  5. billsfan is a lost cause. He drank the kool aid, shat purple, and is in line for more.
  6. A racist and idiot in charge of gives racists and idiots extra motivation.
  7. You could have just shown us your I ❤️ Trump trampstamp instead of posting that drivel
  8. Gas is $0.90 at the res. Jesus
  9. That's a Buffalo Gal clone
  10. There is rich irony in the protest. The organizer, Russ Thompson (who is sad his concrete business can't open wah wah wah) was sentenced to three years probation in 2017 for voter fraud. A Republican involved with voter fraud? Impossible!
  11. How many of those morons will get in car accidents today? The logic of staying in a vehicles to put nobody at risk but demanding businesses open up is backward
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0i62GnQoo0
  13. Great - they can secede all they want but November is coming quickly - better hurry. Until then the vote was the vote. And voting is typically how things are decided in America. Seceding didn't work well last time.
  14. Unprecedented. Until that happens it's a good idea to stick with the will of Virgianians as an entire state.
  15. He thinks that Virginians voting Democrats into their general assembly is fascism
  16. Measures don't go far enough but it's a good start for Virginia
  17. What date is "the start" in your mind? We'll pretend the rest of your post doesn't exist.
  18. There's a plan in place. Trump is attacking the plan. Trump does not offer a different plan. You do not offer a different plan and you attack the plan in place. You're a parrot. You are a Trump cultist. Do you line your parrot cage with The New York Times like DR tells you to?
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