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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. You are a fvcking moron Because #Cult45 eats it the ***** up - see all the morons on this page.
  2. This would be great but I can confirm at least in Erie/Chautauqua County it is not being done.
  3. Didn't know that - thank you.
  4. If you look at the Florida chart specifically, Thursdays have had their highest numbers followed by Tuesdays.
  5. Won't know that until tomorrow. Hopefully you are correct.
  6. Is today, June 23rd, on that graph? https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/florida/
  7. Florida about to eclipse their record for most deaths in a day and it's 2:10 EST
  8. Smart move. They've got cases under control - the US does not.
  9. Figure any football player who gets the virus will miss 3 weeks of games. That's a lot of players missing a lot of games - plus every other injury.
  10. When did Soleimani die again?
  11. He did say he has no good excuses. He's just using a bad excuse?
  12. McCown to Brown! TOUCHDOWN! Weren't the Bills "seriously interested" in that Josh, too?
  13. Still plan to do a lot of camping - NY, Vermont, and Michigan (July, August, & September) but had to cancel a southeast trip to Arizona and Utah we were supposed to go on the first week of June. My neighbors are going to Florida tomorrow for a week. I hope I don't see them until the fall. Stand in the streets of Charleston while it's raining. It'll be up to your knees in 20 minutes. Maybe that is touristy?
  14. wahhhhhh the racists in PPP hate me whatever will I do!
  15. FIFY You think I give a ***** about what people in PPP think of me? LOL
  16. Your word? LOL He could simply post one of the 5 peer reviewed studies he is referring to. Googling for a peer reviewed study on virus transmission by age group gets zero peer reviewed results.
  17. Magox says there are about 5 of them in this thread alone.
  18. The search feature in this forum does not work.
  19. Can you link to one of the peer reviewed study that breaks downs virus transmission by age group?
  20. It's June 23rd. Let's at least wait until mid-July before we make this decision
  21. How hard is it to mandate a ***** mask? That's one easy thing Trump could have done a month ago but nope - ***** masks they are fake news.
  22. Will they release the body cam footage and audio before or after the trial? That is the most important piece of evidence nobody on PPP has seen or heard.
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