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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. I'll take it you agree with her.
  2. Everything she says, except for the 5G theories, has been discussed and theorized here on PPP. Do you disagree with her that the deep state exists?
  3. Also for the record - the thread that was deleted contained at least 2 of the same memes that were posted on the last page of the thread on the Off the Wall board that was locked. There was also a post by a certain poster that referenced noosing a US House Representative. The thread needed to be deleted. It became vile.
  4. Hello. For the record, I did not complain to a mod.
  5. A man with a noose in his avatar joked about noosing a US Representative. Go complain to a mod.
  6. This woman quotes DR verbatim.
  7. This Flynndication is even better than the last Flynndication
  8. Last 10 days Texas has had 37,112 new cases compared to 8,199 in NY It's very reasonable - just as it was reasonable for DeSantis to disallow New Yorkers to enter Florida previously.
  9. Just 256 new hospitalizations As I mentioned NBD
  10. You said death rates in those states are plummeting. They are not.
  11. Death counts are not plummeting in CA, AZ, TX, and FL. Look at the graphs.
  12. This is the scientist who was fired in Florida. Florida is down to 64 deaths from 80 earlier today on Worldometer. Coincidence, I'm sure.
  13. The racists are going to go full throttle at Bubba and his mother now. I hope NASCAR and the drivers stick with Bubba 100%. It's going to get nasty.
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