Okay - let's take it a step further in this magical scenario where Wyoming has only 10 cases - and even another step further and assume state health officials found all 10 have a common denominator.
Then what?
Where did I mock Scott? What he is doing for the environment is great.
Considering his posts on registration harvesting he obviously feels absentee ballots should be legal. There's a good chance he reads this forum, too - the red pill posts here! Odds are he was the 35th vote.
Who are the "they" you refer to that can identify those ten people (while maintaining privacy), everyone they have contacted while infected, and do this job in 1 hour pro-bono?
Rite Aid has what my wife calls "mask bouncers" who sit at the door, make sure you are wearing a mask, and provide you with a squirt of sanitizer for your hands as you enter the store.