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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. In March of 2016 Trump met with the (GASP!) Washington Post and provided them with fives names of people who joined his foreign policy team. 1. Joseph Schmitz 2. George Papadopoulos 3. Walid Phares 4. Keith Kellogg 5. Carter Page
  2. See you at the pride parade
  3. Shani Davis is representing his country not his race. He needs to grow the !@#$ up.
  4. You must be one sexy dude.
  5. Here come the memes and insults like clockwork. You know I'm not actually Gary Busey, right wanker?
  6. He knows his theories are full of ****. There are more holes in them than swiss cheese. When you or anyone else addresses the holes, he only repeats his theories while changing the format to bold or capitalizing letters. The only excuse he has is if the book he claims to be writing is actually a psychological expose on the gullibility of right wing loons.
  7. third world bull ****
  8. You're complaining about Russia and Hillary and she lost! Of course you'd be complaining if she won. In fact, there's a thread full of right wing ejaculate 36 pages long that complains about the mere infinitesimal possibility of a Clinton Political Dynasty.
  9. Don't worry, Bob, row_33 finally answered your question in another thread. trai·tor ˈtrādər/ noun a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
  10. Seriously. That was an interesting development. It was related to the thread topic.
  11. Point me to a time it never did. Thank you for agreeing there is no context.
  12. I see no evidence of the context in the tweet. Point me to the text messages that give context to this one, please.
  13. What you are doing is talking in circles. A circle is a shape. It looks like this.
  14. Both bolded things mean the investigation would end. You just literally said what you claimed you were not saying.
  15. People who support the parade in this thread do so because it will piss off liberals. I'd like to hear other reasons why it's a good idea.
  16. You're an amazing poster. The best poster. Can I frame and hang you in my room?
  17. I'll edit your anecdote and make it a fact - One text released with zero context makes it appear Strzok and Page implicated 44.
  18. Back on topic... outside of deliberately trying to piss off a majority of US citizens, can someone who supports this explain why it's a good idea?
  19. Thank you. You are a kind and humble Internet personality.
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