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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Gates dismissal doc. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4389568/2-27-18-US-Motion-to-Dismiss-Gates.pdf
  2. Because Sessions is supposed to #LOCKHERUP!
  3. Multiple sources? Can you link them, please? because I find this quote in each of those articles.. Even if Mueller wraps up the obstruction probe, other elements of his investigation -- such as whether Trump or anyone close to him helped Russia interfere in the 2016 presidential election or broke any other laws -- are likely to continue for months more, said two officials who asked to remain anonymous speaking about the probe.
  4. lol a term coined by Roger Stone Any dweeb who parrots a Roger Stone term is a partisan moron.
  5. Thanks that was so funny how you did that
  6. Schiff destroyed any credibility Nunes had left
  7. Great thread, Bob. Glad to know there are some fellow weed enthusiasts on the board.
  8. What leason is that? Boy Man parroting douchebag Tom Bauerle and making fun of Hogg on the internet?
  9. You sure as hell didn't see it coming. All I had to do was look at your post from an hour ago. The next big indictment was Manafort - again!
  10. Manafort just hit with NEW charges. I wonder if Caputo saw this coming
  11. Local right-wing Mega-Douchebag, Michael Caputo, on Twitter this morning made an absolute fool of himself. https://twitter.com/MichaelRCaputo/status/967014215709069314
  12. There's a 100% chance you did not actually read the article if those are your two questions that come from it.
  13. To the right wing militia on this board.. what's the difference between a gun grabber and a communist gun grabber? Thanks!
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