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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. It adds plenty that has yet to be reported.
  2. Dissect this when you're ready https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/03/12/christopher-steele-the-man-behind-the-trump-dossier
  3. Wanker, you've won again!
  4. Did you spray at your keyboard with your AR-15 to come up with that sentence?
  5. Impossible to respond now that you've taken me to tasker. I bow to thee.
  6. If she tweeted alt right conspiracies she would be a past example as she's not a current politician. But I'm not aware of her doing so. Please provide facts or evidence to back up your position.
  7. What is your opinion a politician currently in office retweeting alt right conspiracy theories? I would argue that has real political consequences.
  8. How long until Trumpers refuse to turn left because the direction is associated with liberals?
  9. Sorry about the heroin I brought home, honey. I just didn't understand what you meant by store.
  10. Do you need every word in every sentence to be defined to you before you respond to a question? Imagine the confusion if you were ever told to pick up some bananas at the store.
  11. Did you send your new definition of store to Webster yet?
  12. He's really taking you to tasker. Watch out!
  13. Right - just like Boy Man here. I've never seen him post on here without a link attached.
  14. Down 350 already today. !@#$ you Mr. President
  15. Then why does your ilk defend the NRA like a child? It's the exact crap scumbag Bauerle yells on his radio show with that other scumbag. "The NRA is crap, I never support the NRA. I donate to other gun right activist groups instead" the next day "Liberals are boycotting businesses that support the NRA. I will not stand for this. Let's boycott liberal businesses!"
  16. The amount of money raised does not matter. If Trump schemed with the Russians he's a compromised traitor.
  17. Anyone remember Trumpanzees bitching about "fake news" tanking the stock market in December? I sure do. (the dow dropped a whopping 350 points...) https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timothymeads/2017/12/02/abcs-brian-ross--crashed-the-market-n2417149 https://nypost.com/2017/12/02/abc-news-corrects-flynn-bombshell-after-stocks-tank/ Will these same Trumpanzees B word as much about Trump manipulating the stock market with his tweets about trade, steel, and aluminum industries?
  18. How stupid can one be?
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