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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. He plugged it with cheddar and cheetos.
  2. How long will the sexists on this board continue to be triggered by Hillary? Until death. IMO
  3. Obstruction of Justice Maybe collusion. It's currently being investigated by Mr Mueller.
  4. You got it Nostradamus!
  5. Allen is the next Jim Kelly. just wanted to be the first to say that after the Bills draft him. No matter how much you all think he sucks now, by training camp he'll be god's titties
  6. Can we shoot PPP instead of the messenger?
  7. This news would be boring and not worthy of "reporters" blowing their loads like they have been doing all day.
  8. Can someone draw a comic of DR reading Madame Bovary with one hand while typing elaborate conspiracy theories with the other?
  9. Did you accidentally spell accidentally wrong? No guns is better than no guns. Thanks for another example of why.
  10. I'm not going to argue semantics with you. You're wrong.
  11. A guilty plea must be entered into voluntarily. ______________________________
  12. One I would like, too!
  13. forced to plead guilty That's a good one. Nobody is forced to plead guilty.
  14. Linking to an article on Bloomberg, then pasting a direct quote from another source (without quotes) is a fantastic example of plagiarism.
  15. Is there a thread that tracks FA signings or is each signing going to initiate a new one?
  16. What? You'd sign Bradford then start Peterman over him? Lots of dumb things are said here but this may take the cake.
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