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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. I have US flag swim trunks. Can't remember a specific time but I bet I've farted in them.
  2. Does Conehead stop selling beer in the concourse when the anthem is playing?
  3. Sorry Billy, we all saw the videos.
  4. Kneeling during the anthem does not make the top 100 list of disrespectful things that go on during the anthem at a football game, yet it is talked about by many like it is the only disrespectful thing that happens during the anthem. IMO
  5. Do you find kneeling with attention to the flag more disrespectful than pissing and singing in the bathroom during the anthem? Do you find kneeling with attention to the flag more disrespectful than some jackass pretending he is banging symbols together during the anthem? Do you find kneeling with attention to the flag more disrespectful than someone running from concession stand to concession stand to find their favorite IPA during the anthem? Your outrage is misplaced.
  6. According to the CDC definition of tear gas, tear gas was used - but does the type of gas really matter when there is ample video evidence of the military/police clearing out protesters by force so Trump could go to the outside of a church?
  7. Mad respect to Drew. It takes a huge sack o' nuts to admit you were wrong.
  8. It's much easier to complain about disrespecting the flag than it is to talk about the issues that the players are kneeling about. Where is the outrage at the fans in line during the anthem buying beer and nachos? Where is the outrage at the fans in the bathroom during the anthem pissing and singing the shout song? There isn't any - because it's fake outrage.
  9. Lol please Every weekend at the Ralph fans get drunk, piss all over public and private property, fight, and engage in other criminal acts and there is no group of people on Earth I would rather celebrate in unity with.
  10. Let's go Po-tah-toh! ***** him. The people will unify this country.
  11. A job so dirty it scares Mike Rowe. Thank you, inspector. For every fired IG Trump needs to hire a BI. It would go a long way to #MAGA
  12. So has everyone in this thread but the Trump cultists yelling BUT THEY SAID TEAR GAS!!!!!!!!!! 26-12
  13. Why why why why she ran away and I wonder where she will stay e aye
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