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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. The Lord's prayer was changed in the language you and I speak, English, but the Latin was not altered. I wonder if Vatican II took into consideration when it allowed the Catholic mass to be spoken in languages other than Latin.
  2. Pope Francis is fascinated with theological debates about good and evil. The word you're referring to is peirasmos, which has two co-equal English translations - "To tempt" & "To be tested" - which are seemingly opposite of each other, a representation of evil (to tempt someone) and of a chance for good (to be tested).
  3. Thanks! I LOVE L.A.!
  4. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-43596919 "Souls are not punished," the Pope was quoted as saying in the Repubblica piece. "Those who repent obtain God's forgiveness and go among the ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. There is no hell - there is the disappearance of sinful souls." Of course the Vatican disagrees, but as one who grew up Catholic I find it fascinating Pope Francis, against thousands of years of traditional doctrine, has the gall to imply there is no hell and that "sinful souls" merely disappear. These ideas open many cans of worms for those who interested in whether or not the Devil and other evil deities exist. Happy Easter PPP
  5. Can you link me to this evidence as tomorrow has arrived?
  6. Laura has lost 7 advertisers so far today.
  7. ...and three companies have already decided to stop advertising with her. Enjoy your bubble, bubble boy.
  8. If that was Obama's goal, he did a pretty crappy job at it.
  9. Allergies in the spring... who would imagine?
  10. It must be working since Laura just gave an apology.
  11. Are you seriously that stupid? The only person I can think of that uses their real name on here probably shouldn't. If it's doxing, it's certainly not easy to find.. and I'm not going to go out of my way to do that.
  12. The top writer on the treehouse won't even use his real name. Hard to judge someone on their merits when they use a pseudonym
  14. Maybe he should just leave the embassy and find a Wi-FI connection
  15. Tibs can you quote this each day for the next few weeks weeks so we can get our daily dose of laughter?
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