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Warren Zevon

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Posts posted by Warren Zevon

  1. 21 minutes ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:

    Just seen on twitter a very bad video in Buffalo maybe not for sure. Old guy hurt badly police pushed him. Those cops should get in trouble right away. Too disturbing to post here.




    How the hell does that happen in this community? They push the man and refuse aid after he is unconscious and bleeding from the skull. Wow.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. Just now, SectionC3 said:


    I don’t think cancel culture pertains only to choice of words, but Al Franken leaps to mind as someone who got the bum’s rush over one stupid moment in his life. 


    True - but his life certainly wasn't ruined. He lost a Senate seat. He's still got family, friends, boatloads of cash (I assume), and is respected by most people.


  3. 2 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    I don’t believe in cancel culture, and I don’t believe that one dumb mistake in choice of words should ruin someone’s life.


    I think the idea of "cancel culture" is pretty overblown. Whose life has been ruined by a dumb mistake in choice of words? Maybe there are a handful of folks but I cannot think of one.

  4. 3 minutes ago, whatdrought said:


    No, I understand how that went down. My perspective was "standing for the anthem is universally seen as showing respect, ergo anything else is the antithesis." But that article shows how they were showing respect in a reserved way or in a different way. I still disagree with much of the details, but I can understand where they're coming from. 


    Certain people seizing on the protest with a large public following did walk out of a game in a very public way after they witnessed kneeling. It can be both things. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    So wait, when the anthem plays, lots of folks in the stands stay seated, go take a whizz, go get a drink, drink their drink, chat with their friends, keep their hats on

    Are they all disrespecting the flag?  Should we drum them all out of the rolls of Loyal Americans?


    It will always come back to this for me. There is so so so so so much real disrespect during the anthem at football games (Thousands of blackout drunk fans) but the only "disrespect" condemned is kneeling during the anthem with attention to the flag.

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 1 minute ago, FluffHead said:

    The fact he has addressed the team already seems to indicate to me that they will not cut the cord on him immediately.  Even though I probably would. 


    If I was McDermott/Beane I would speak with the leaders of the team to get their take on the situation before making a decision either way. I give Fromm props for speaking to his teammates directly, though, and not just releasing an apology.

  7. 1 minute ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:


    What about Tre, who has been very vocal on Twitter? What about the other black (and white for that matter) players who have not been vocal? 


    That is their personal decision and I would respect it either way. My point is he needs to apologize. Period. Hiding from it does not help.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, whatdrought said:


    Yes. Because his actions prove his intent? This isn't me saying Kapernick is un-American or horrible or anything else. In fact, in a vacuum outside of him and my opinions on this, we can still logically deduce what is happening. 


    The National Anthem plays as a tribute to the flag of the United States of America. Attendees are asked to stand and remove their hats and place their hands on their heart while facing the flag to honor our flag and our Country. (honor = respect). 


    From this moment there's three actions possible: 


    1- stand and show respect/honor to the anthem and the flag. 


    2- sit and don't move which is, I suppose, neutral at best, but likely more negative. 


    3- Do some other thing to demonstrate a rebellion to the act of showing honor and respect, such as kneeling. Thus showing, and declaring outright, that you neither respect nor honor the flag. 



    How is this so hard to understand? 


    Kneeling with attention to the flag shows much more respect than sitting and not moving.



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