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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. orrrrrrrrr you're just copying some other loser on Twitter At least use a different image source than he did
  2. Whoa! That's actually pretty wild. Did you discover that yourself?
  3. ahh, who the !@#$ are you!? who who who who
  4. Fantastic grammar, Levi. I've reported your post to the English teacher.
  5. This was posted multiple times in the thread the mods had to close because some posters could not handle any criticism of Trump.
  6. The silent majority that refuses to post in this cesspool agree with you. Welcome back 26CB
  7. Here's the grabber in chief with his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Which of you will slob his knob next?
  8. I would be shocked if the 72 million registered Democrats in the US secretly met up and put out a hit on Horowitz - don't let that stop your fledgling conspiracy, though.
  9. I'm sure next time he'll adjust the AP headline. It's obvious you have a preference.
  10. Indeed. The guy had (might still have 1 of them..) 2 other jobs to make ends meet. You can't make a living being a producer for Schopp & BD. See the other producers that lasted roughly the same amount of time as Gates.
  11. Tick tock don't stay up too late
  12. This is another lie.
  13. I responded one post below it when you posted that a few hours ago. Thanks for continuing the intellectual dishonesty parade.
  14. Here is proof of your hatred. !@#$ you, you hack. You demonstrated hatred. You continue to lie because you are a liar.
  15. Michael Caputo? edit: Seems it's The Hapsburg Group. Those who read the Manafort & Gates indictments from February should be familiar with that name. In an indictment updated Friday, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III accused Paul Manafort and Rick Gates of secretly retaining “a group of former senior European politicians to take positions favorable to Ukraine, including by lobbying in the United States.” These former European leaders would claim to provide independent assessments of the Kiev government, but would in fact be “paid lobbyists” for Ukraine. In 2012 and 2013, Manafort used at least four offshore bank accounts to wire more than 2 million euros (roughly $2.5 million) to the group, the indictment states. Though the group's members weren't named, they are collectively given an informal nickname: the “Hapsburg group,” an apparent reference (using an alternative spelling) to the Habsburg royal dynasty that ruled the Holy Roman Empire for centuries. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/02/24/after-hapsburg-group-disclosure-in-mueller-indictment-former-european-politicians-come-under-scrutiny/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.90617fbaef42
  16. You're wrong. Either wrong, or an idiot. Or both. Definitely both. 2. difficult for the mind to grasp readily or easily:impalpable distinctions.
  17. Embarrassing. Trump is a baby. Wah wah wah
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