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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. I can see this too. Is the liberal train bumpy again?
  2. Or his allegiance was to the truth. When the truth burns both Democrats and Republicans, it's easy for both sides to turn on the truth.
  3. The melting down in the comment section there is hilarious. The report isn't even out yet!
  4. Stories like this have been coming out ad nauseum since the election. Correlation does not imply causation
  5. I did. The context is DR has some knowledge of a deal nobody else does and that the war with DPRK is over in Trump's mind. Both those items are hogwash, thus his take being brutal. My point there (not to get back into it, it just wasn't well articulated) was the war with DPRK is over in Trump's mind (and I believe in reality there's a deal in place already for precisely that - but admit that's speculation). Thus, just having nukes doesn't make them a threat anymore than it makes France or England a nuclear threat to the United States. That's all.
  6. a HUGE sign says the idiot who has been projecting this topic for 39 pages
  7. This is a brutal take.
  8. Happy birthday tomorrow!
  9. I still can't find his opinion on the Trump Kim summit. I found his opinion on the reaction to the summit but that's it. Continue your gaslighting, Doofus Rhino. Keep it up so everyone can see the idiot you are.
  10. Indeed. He gave his opinion on how others will react instead of his opinion on the summit. What a shock. Hey, look! DC Idiot even admits it
  11. No it can't. You're intentionally lying again. @DC Tom opines on how the media will react to the summit but has yet to state his opinion on the summit itself.
  12. You're getting a lot worse at this lately. It must be difficult being such an idiot.
  13. This proves nothing. The dossier says Cohen was in Prague in... August/September 2016 by 3 colleagues for secret discussions with Kremlin representatives and associated operators/hackers It does not specify a specific day. It does specify a more specific time period, though... COHEN had been accompanied to Prague by 3 colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September.
  14. You claim multiple witnesses. I've searched and haven't found their names. You claim it's open info. So please, what are the names of the multiple witnesses?
  15. Comey and Obamas lawyers must be sooo nervous! Time to bring down the #deepstate
  16. We shall see soon enough. Id be interested in ththe names of the multiple witnesses you are so sure exist.
  17. Very few components of the continuing investigation are known to the public. When the media scoops something (true or false) investigators are not required to let the public know if it's true or not.
  19. If Pruitt had a D next to his name this thread would be 50 pages long with 10-15 pages in total of memes.
  20. You're stupid. The Prague thing was a report by a news organization. Of course it went away. That doesn't mean it wasn't true when it was reported. That's what happens with news stories. It's also immaterial to whatever information prosecutors have in regards to whether or not Cohen traveled to Prague.
  21. BS - when and where?
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