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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. It might make you less of a sarcastic prick.
  2. Also, if I was Tibs Soros would be paying me. Sadly I still wait for my first check to show up for my posts here. Ever have a scotch old man?
  3. 127 pages later and you guys still need a safe space to vent about how the media treats the orange one unfairly. Give me a break!
  4. This is the first ever comment I've ended with what you've quoted. It's easy to use the search feature and prove you're wrong.
  5. How's Twitter life? In reality life I gave my dad a father's day card, we played catch, and talked about how lame people who pay attention to Twitter all day are. Try it out.
  6. Great idea - start a misleading thread to prove you're a racist pig!
  7. Can't wait for this turd to rot in a cell forever. He's a stain on the Buffalo region, no doubt.
  8. He worked for the Podesta Group, not the Podestas. Do you have evidence he worked for the Clintons?
  9. You've officially joined the Trump cult. Enjoy your life. More evidence of cult behavior right here
  10. What are the actual results Trump has achieved from the summit?
  11. Thanks for the answer. Save the fluff.
  12. Sure - you win. So no opinion on what Trump said?
  13. Indeed it is. Then I posted the correct quote in context. What's your opinion on what Trump said? Or are you more interested in what I said? Maybe you should start a forum where you just comment on everything I say.
  14. I posted the Tweet with the correct quote and video but go ahead and belittle as you do.
  15. It's not out of context. Here's a video and fuller quote.
  16. Trump just said it on the White House lawn. He also said a lot of other insane things.
  17. Epic put down. Did you see that etched on the inside of a plastic slide or overhear it in the cafeteria?
  18. Before the right-wing ejaculate here has even dried we get a fuller read on the texts...
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