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Warren Zevon

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Posts posted by Warren Zevon

  1. There is a reason threads get moved to PPP

    2 hours ago, MILFHUNTER#518 said:

    What do you think about the pictures Greg posted showing lynchings and dismembered corpses of African Americans after they had been burned alive in front of a gleeful crowd of white people cheering the atrocity on? 


    American History.


    What do you call Pepe the frog memes posted by TYTT and Joe in Winslow?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Beast said:

    Those two officers, plain and simple, are paying the price for the four in Minneapolis and Flynn is a political hack that cares nothing about justice.


    Has the gray area you talked about two days ago been erased?


    On 6/5/2020 at 12:33 AM, Beast said:


    And the bad part that sucks for them is that is the exact way they are trained for riot training. To push back and continue forward. They will lose their job for doing their job correctly but there is always gray area and they were in that gray area. You probably shouldn’t shove an elderly person. 


  3. 20 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    They weren't.


    Guns were allowed on the state capital building and it was a peaceful protest.



    But you knew that.





    They were. Wacka is mad peaceful protestors disobeyed curfew. The peaceful protestors spitting and screaming in the face of cops in Michigan disobeyed by not wearing a mask or  social distancing. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Wacka said:

    If they got their asses out of there by 8 PM, fine. If they had a permit, fine. Otherwise, the cops have every right to use force ro clear the lawbreakers out. I personally  demonstrated for  Bush  after the 2000 election in downtown San Francisco. The group I was with got a permit which outlined the route we wanted to take.  We had the police escort us ( which in SF was for our safety). An anti-fur demonstrator (happened to nr the dome day in Union  Square) spit on an elderly member of our group  (had him arrested) snf daw numerous fingers (thank you, Bush is #1), When we were done  we gave the cops three cheers.


    Where was this high horse when right wingers were breaking the law with their protests a few weeks ago during the pandemic?

  5. 37 minutes ago, Wacka said:

    It was 8 PM, the start of the curfew  and they were clearing Niagara Square, The guy is a "oeace activist" (old hippie).


    Dozens of riot police to clear out less than a dozen protesters?


    Well, the guy is a "oeace activist!"



  6. 40 minutes ago, Bill from NYC said:


    Now, here comes the old man. He looks harmless enough, but he seems to be accosting (or do you prefer the word "touching) two police officers after walking into moving lines of officers in riot gear. I would wager everything I own against 10 bucks that the old man has a psych history, but so be it. At this point, the man is guilty of disorderly conduct. He could/should have been cuffed and taken away. The cops decided to shove him away instead, and the old guy fell. 



    It looks to me like he found a police helmet and is returning it.

    • Like (+1) 7
  7. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    They suspended the two police officers.


    The one guy what pushed him started to bend down to help the guy when the next cop pushed that guy (starting to bend down) away to walk on. They may have called someone (sounded like a medic was called) but they walked away from him when there was an obvious pool of blood. Unconscionable.



    Then the cops protect their own and release statement that the man "tripped and fell"


    What a ***** joke the Buffalo PD is

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