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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. There is a reason threads get moved to PPP American History. What do you call Pepe the frog memes posted by TYTT and Joe in Winslow?
  2. The more we continue to be exposed to the 5G waves, to quicker we all become immune to them. Makes sense - the crisis is done. #FakeVirus
  3. Love this Parsons guy - a much needed voice for PPP. The racism here is out of control - glad it's being called out.
  4. Someone piss in your ice cream Koko?
  5. Lots of racists here. Multiple posters have posted pepe the frog and other racist iconography over the years. The sarcasm when race is brought up is beyond the pale. A former poster called this place #BillsChan - right on the money. IMO
  6. Has the gray area you talked about two days ago been erased?
  7. Reality Check - Take you to tasker or koko? going with TYTT
  8. They were. Wacka is mad peaceful protestors disobeyed curfew. The peaceful protestors spitting and screaming in the face of cops in Michigan disobeyed by not wearing a mask or social distancing.
  9. Where was this high horse when right wingers were breaking the law with their protests a few weeks ago during the pandemic?
  10. Name the racist person? I'll start with 90% of PPP. Mods should flush this ***** down the toilet.
  11. Buffalo 30 minutes before "curfew" last night. Zero riot police. Zero incidents with protesters. Zero property damage. Proud of my city for rising up for peace.
  12. Dozens of riot police to clear out less than a dozen protesters? Well, the guy is a "oeace activist!"
  13. Fantastic question. There were less than a dozen people protesting according to Channel 4
  14. This seems pretty obvious. Sure hope that cops cam was on.
  15. This is the exact reason why millions all over this country are protesting.
  16. It looks to me like he found a police helmet and is returning it.
  17. Then the cops protect their own and release statement that the man "tripped and fell" What a ***** joke the Buffalo PD is
  18. Byron Lockwood and/or whoever else approved that statement need to resign.
  19. Zero defense for this - zero. The statement is absolutely unbelievable and the exact reason a large majority of the country does not trust the police. This is not politics. This is wrong. Thank God he is in stable condition.
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