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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. Can you link to the bolded? Every link I can find quotes the following or something close to it... Former lobbyist Tony Podesta, Mercury Public Affairs partner and former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and former Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig are all under federal investigation by prosecutors for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, multiple sources with knowledge of the matter told NBC News on Tuesday. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/former-lobbyist-tony-podesta-others-under-investigation-federal-prosecutors-over-n896396
  2. Trump ranting like a child again - did he forget Podesta's case was referred by Mueller to New York State prosecutors?
  3. Indeed. If the mods cared about threads getting deleted they would not make it an option for one to delete a thread. Perhaps @Azalin will PWN us all and delete this thread
  4. How many pages of Daily Caller and Hot Air links will you losers post to prove the media wont stop talking about THIS SOCIALIST!?!?!?
  5. Glad to know it's just a guess. I'd bet a that it's one of the president's spawn or his son in law.
  6. No. You can find an actual link to the article on a MSM website that the Tweeter decided not to provide. Here it is if you care about more than the headline. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/voter-fraud-los-angeles-prosecutor-charges-9-accused-bribing-skid-row-homeless/
  7. He's met with and is openly meeting with Mueller again after Thanksgiving. Why would he fight - in secret - a grand jury subpoena?
  8. Only the best lawyers can work for Trump https://twitter.com/eorden/status/1065266425919692800
  9. I see you've updated it for DC Tom - nice work
  10. I still believe, and have from the start, most of the Mueller case is happening behind the scenes. Who is the subpoena for? Who knows?
  11. I could care less. I figured the but her e-mails crowd might have something to say about it - looks like you do.
  12. Will every new member of the house get a 10 page thread?
  13. Looks like DC Tom either thought the cat food was tuna fish again or soaked his depends. Angry and bitter like a Buffalo winter
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