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Warren Zevon

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Everything posted by Warren Zevon

  1. You're the one who said Democrats speak in metaphors and that Republicans speak literally, so why would you care about the literal words of a Democrat? My opinion using your thesis (Republicans are literal, Democrats are metaphorical) is that Trump's literal words are more dangerous to the country. He called Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution phony. Kiss your mom with that mouth?
  2. My argument (it's not even an argument, really, it's just a quote) is what Trump literally said. Your argument is that when Republicans speak they are always literal. When asked about what Trump literally said you call me a partisan hack. Can you support your argument?
  3. How much of the constitution must the current president disparage for it to register on your radar?
  4. Do you support the president who called the constitution phony?
  5. Takes the 5th like Trump Jr would
  6. Do you support the president who called the constitution phony?
  7. Do you support the president who called the constitution phony? Easy question
  8. Do you support the president who literally called the constitution phony?
  9. Do you support the president who literally ***** on the constitution?
  10. Literally "You people with this phony Emoluments Clause" - Donald Trump Why do you support a president who literally ***** on the constitution?
  11. Thanks! This isn't any better - he's almost as much of a moron as 3rd thing
  12. Then he should probably correct it
  13. Literally - this thread is about Trump's comments on the constitution he took an oath to uphold "You people with this phony Emoluments Clause" - Donald Trump - literally Donald Trump
  14. "You people with this phony Emoluments Clause" - Donald Trump
  15. "You people with this phony Emoluments Clause" - Donald Trump
  16. B-Mann Coulter, ladies and gentlemen I figured it would be you. Trump said the clause is phony.
  17. Thank you for pointing out my grammatical error. Continue with your crusade
  18. Your defense of Trump is impressive - makes since sense he's somewhat of a clone of your old man hero.
  19. "You people with this phony Emoluments Clause" - Donald Trump Here come the Ann Coulter talking points...
  20. Article I, Section 9 "You people with this phony Emoluments Clause" - Donald Trump
  21. Hiding behind a fake name on Twitter? Who would do such a thing?
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