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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. sry tom, this !@#$ was referring to my comment a month ago or so where i said racism was still rampant in the south in general... sec land... since the context of the question was about the south in general, and the poster said the south, and we are talking about poor red states, ( the south), i thought you would be smart enough to figure that out. oh well...
  2. i must be dreaming up that event when michigan fell into a !@#$ing black hole...lol
  3. "While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement FALSE!!! love how the right ignores reality, not to mention, socialist paul ryan proposed the same thing... lol
  4. the 716 was taken from insurance companies and given to obamacare, ( WHICH WENT TO COVER MORE PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE ELDERLY).... http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2012/aug/15/checking-facts-700-billion-medicare-cut/
  5. dude, you follow an absolute ideology and totally ignore the negative outcomes... whos braindead here... why am i wasting my time on you anyway. you ruthless !@#$s are against medical coverage for sick old people... now go away and read ayn rand
  6. thats called insurance profits, not coverage for medicare. its not a market program for a reason, because old people are horrible for profits... moron...
  7. maybe you could start with this poll... dumbass... http://www.aolnews.com/2011/04/08/46-percent-of-mississippi-republicans-want-interracial-marriage/ also, go to any evangelical, a of g church... you should find plenty in there...
  8. it was never to help poor people, that was a ruse... lol the govt never guaranteed loans, they were passed around the global market in cdo's and bet against...... once the margin call came, the market collapsed and the govt had no choice or else the credit market would dry up and anarchy would set in... but dont let facts get in the way... So the banks make more crap loans and sell them to government yes, in this case, free market capitalism failed and showed why we need some reasonable regs... youre an idiot
  9. 716b in profits to insurance companies was cut, not checks to workers or coverage. stupid ass
  10. lived there for 7 years. pretty much all support comes from the taxpayer...lol
  11. govt lowers regs so banks can loan more and gain more profits with cdo's. economy collapses. ummm, whether you like it or not, because of this very stupid friedman/greenspan policy, we became victims when the market lost half its value. !@#$tard
  12. this is why i hate my liberal friends sometimes... the pc is worse than the christian right many times... ugh i mean, couldnt she just dance with another guy? wtf
  14. so basically, the 47% are republicans from red states. in other words, mitt hates working class republicans and these stupid rednecks keep blaming the gays and liberal elite in hollywood or new york because they believe evolution and global warming are true... lol maybe another way of putting it is, liberals really care about rednecks, but republicans have a bigger concern, gays driving the f150!!!
  15. http://247wallst.com/2012/09/20/americas-poorest-states-2/
  16. you do realize, deregulation in general to increase profits, ( not to help poor people, lol. they were later foreclosed on), and bailouts for the banks, caused the debt in europe along with the recession, a constant right wing idea we have been hearing for 40 years... look up cdo you !@#$ing idiot
  17. stern makes his point, and it's actually true. regardless of ideology or any group, 75% ( maybe more), of americans are !@#$ing dumb. it is what it is...
  18. the whole point of a safety net, and decent retirement is not to bring about socialism, its to save the capitalist system from class revolution.( ie a stable political system)... it allows us to keep our capitalist system and all the incentive and diverstiy it provides while at the same time keeping people focused on sports instead of the rich guy in the gated community... duh
  19. QUICK PT... on either side, if this is actually a side, 75% of the people in that ideology are !@#$ing dumb. the 47% are veterans, working poor,( middle class) or elderly people. if you think those people are " free loaders", well, i cant help you. its so hilarious from the right, we want people to work, but we wont provide full employment... ie get a job, ( but ignore that someone has to hire them)... e.g. the recent veterans bill that was rejected by repubs which would help with jobs... in a free market, everyone will not automatically invest, thats kind of a problem, regardless of who u blame for that... and even outside of incentive, some people will still refuse to invest no matter how great the incentives are.... so basically, we want free market capitalism, but we wont acknowledge the few negative consequences of free market capitalism... unreal
  20. the govt should not be subsidizing a !@#$ing religion... christ... thats not the point of taxation... im also not so sure this money is being spent wisely from my experience with any church along with personal experience of the lds church, but thats mitt's choice. i will concede, he did give way more than others do, and im sure hes a good person outside of all the media " rich guy out of touch stuff". but i dont agree with charity supplementing regular taxation because its probably going to things that will not really help our more practical needs... jmo
  21. play parcells ftbll and we win 12 games
  22. Look, he played good. he still needs to be better...
  23. http://www.bills24x7...urrent-Futility -by mark weiler "Bill Polian was an accident. By that I mean that he was not hired by Wilson to be the GM. That job belonged to Terry Bledsoe at the time, but Bledsoe suffered a heart attack following the '84 season and Wilson, in a move seemingly like those today, placed Polian, the then Director of Pro Personnel, in that role as acting GM prior to subsequently promoting him to that position permanently.
  24. please sign plax... we need a big target to make up for fitz and his horrible accuracy
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