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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. " there is an empirical order in nature" - peter joseph ie, a plot of land has what it has, and people have basic needs, thats not a matter of opinion... what we have is resources and tech, thats where we should focus...
  2. please stop the ad hom attacks and lets discuss the ideas. from my understanding austrian economics is bankrupt, as a finite money supply backed by gold would severly limit the ability of people to gain wealth. ( and would hinder the ability of an economy to recover, e.g. great depression)... among various other problems. in a private market, some banks might start handing out bank notes not backed by gold, which happened millions of times for centuries. only back then, they would hang the banker.... now we just bail them out... it's a very unstable system... again, the solution is not a monetary system, its creating abundance of resources and tech... the problem is scarcity... thats why there is so much conflict generally speaking... e.g. crisis with iran right now... our problems are not about political difference. in reality, they are technical problems... but people dont view it that way. thats why there are so many different laws, because we havent solved them technically... ( especially in contract law) .
  3. first of all, there is no such thing as a utopian society. so please stop saying that. humans are not perfect. but we can make improvements.. secondly, yes, money has helped us get out of a barter system... i think we all know that tasker. the problem is, in our current system, money is created out of debt.
  4. in any of these systems, communism, anarchism, capitalism, socialism, you need a monetary system, ie debt to create money. thats how banking works.... you need labor to accumulate profit, and profit to accumulate resources. all of this means debt is necessary. otherwise money wouldnt exist... this is very outdated in many aspects of our technical knowledge now. not all, but lots of labor could be made obsolete. there are tons of social/psychological problems with this monetary system that are disturbing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prcu7sjjg_Y&feature=related here is another good video...
  5. not to mention the federal reserve is basically free money for banks and the financial elite... (ie, we are not in a free market). the game is rigged.
  6. well, profit in some cases is bad... but yeah, most of the time it's a great incentive. i agree with all this. free exchange, limited red tape, common sense regs...etc... yeah... the problem is globalization is different. and resources are not infinite and there is no such thing as infinite growth with limited fuel/minerals/purchasing power... many states are autocratic, creating a huge advantage against labor in other markets... ie sweat shops. debt crisis is a necessary evil in this system and it's very unstable. again, we are 5 percent of the pop using close to 30% of the energy resources. that is not sustainable. why do you think the middle east is on fire and we have an interest over there? i would also argue that profit is a huge motivation to also do things we hate, like take **** jobs... but for me, i would learn philosohy for free or minimal value... if i had free food, energy, thats how i would spend my time... freely.. thats the point of tech, it frees us from unwanted labor, creates more efficient, stable systems. but it's not a utopia... lol
  7. we didnt install the shah? we didnt install saddam? mubarak?
  8. I agree man, in a scarce environment, market solutions are the best with some caveots. but how would a capitalist system bring about something that makes no profit? i guess thats the problem... the idea of transition yes, if no human labor is required, then why would you pay for it?
  9. that was vincent, or milloy. donte wasnt here lol how did they get good from 88-00
  10. yes, you would have to pay people to develop this network of tech. it doesnt happen overnight. eventually some labor would become obsolete... it's as simple as that. im not sure we have a choice, the environment will check our behavior at some point... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTbLslkIR2k future in which the labor undertaken to research, develop, extract resources for, produce, and service technology has no value? Oh good golly gee-whiz, sign me the !@#$ up! dystopia? free food, free enegy? that would be bad?
  11. Every aspect of your argument disregards human motivation, and human desires. i just said, those aspects which require human labor in any aspect would still require market exchange... if food, energy, and even some shelter, didnt take human labor, in any aspect, and tech took over, there would be no need to pay for it... it would be like paying for air, or to sit in the sunlight... that wouldnt make sense. nobody is saying we would live in a utopia, people are still jealous, people still get in bar fights, and people still are dumb, im simply saying life would be different if we let automation take over many of these aspects. a market system that is built on oil where 5% of the population uses 30% of the energy is going to cause major problems... if two people are in an enviroment where there is limited food, eventually they will fight and kill each other probably. changing the environment would change the social dynamics in play. but yes, people are both good and bad in any system. i would argue that most of the aberrant behavior we see, is because of the enviroment people are in. e.g. people being raised by dogs will act like dogs, people raised in a selfish, darwinian environment will act in a ruthless manner in order to survive in that environment...
  12. nix had his shot at newton, dalton, and griffin. he passed.
  13. the team will be 2-7 maybe 3-6 and then go 4-3... im guessing 7-9 or 6-10 again, maybe, maybe worse... polian come back!!!!!!!!! just ask yourself, with fitz being a legit question, why didnt nix draft dalton or trade up for newton, griffin? why?
  14. its not about a new !@#$ing coach... we need a gm, to pick a legit coach, and a new gm in order to get a !@#$ing franchise qb... end of story. hopefully bill polian comes back...
  15. why are we the black hole? i mean, why?
  16. !@#$ing brilliant. He also seems to want to conduct some grand experiment in which we trust the production of our entire food supply to the same people that sought to "better transportation for all of the people" and produced the !@#$ing Yogu. Stop huffing paint in your mother's garage. i think hes also saying, and he would be correct if evolution is true, that people's values and actual nature would change because the environment would change... surely this takes time, and obviously it's not easy, but a world where you dont need to steal or subjugate others in order to eat and have energy would create a totally different social construct. in evolution, the best traits are passed down because those phenotypes best responded to the given environment and survived. but just in basic psychology, you are what your environment is... if a human is raised by dogs or chimps, they will be totally different... and a world where stealing food makes no sense because you cannot sell it, because it's free, and it is in total abundance. the value set would be dramatically different. this system is !@#$ing dumb, in order to create anything, you need to create debt, and without debt, the economy doesnt move. it's a self-fulfilling societal suicide. !@#$ing brilliant. He also seems to want to conduct some grand experiment in which we trust the production of our entire food supply to the same people that sought to "better transportation for all of the people" and produced the !@#$ing Yogu. Stop huffing paint in your mother's garage. you wouldnt be forced to do anything, the food and energy is free. and not all aspects of monetary free market exchange would end. where tech has not replaced human labor, surely that would still exist... you are saying you are being forced to get free food, its a nonsense statement...
  17. why would the capitalist system bring about a system that is not profitable? im not so sure he is even saying we have a choice, eventually, the environment will check are behavior regardless of what we think.....
  18. relax, they are one in the same... im talking about the major forces of the west post ww1. yes they are part of our foreign policy... but the cia installing saddam, helping with the shah in 53, propping up the saudi dictators, israeli genocide, installing dictators in egypt, yemen, kuwait... the list is long... we have probably murdered 10 million, maybe more the past 50 years, in order to steal the oil in that region...
  19. ummm, you do realize we had slavery in this country, and many people had family that were slaves??? good god man
  20. why is the d getting worse... thats mind boggling...
  21. i dont blame them. the bills never fight dirty, never... sry, but if i had a free shot at brady, on that long pass, i would have laid him out... oh well...
  22. we need a real gm/qb/coach...
  23. it really doesnt matter what people feel... the team cant win, and will move if they dont get their **** together... you pay mario a 100mil and he turns into chris kelsay... only in buffalo....lol
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