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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. again, ad hom without dealing with the arguments...
  2. More ad hom... yes i did private message you because you are being an !@#$. serioualy man, relax. we get it, you dont like liberals. ok man...
  3. Its a vid being critical of the states right mantra from the right. stop the ad hom and you wont look so pathetic... when you do that, or try to crush other ideas without confronting them, it shows you have already lost the argument.
  4. do you support a states right to discriminate against minorities?
  5. you guys think carder or bradham will beat out morrison?
  6. This is what the laffer curve is for. yes, no matter what type of political economy you have, if taxes are too high, there will be no incentive and wealth creation is crushed. the social contract does not nor should it encompass every aspect of our lives. this is why leninism failed. lack of accountablitly, and no vibrant market changes allowed. but there is a social contract. ie roads, military, ss, medicare, medicaid, unemployment insurance for a reasonable 6 months, police, fire... leninism is a salient example of not wanting govt getting too big, so is the gsa corruption case on a micro level. to big to fail banks, oligopolies, and brave new world is a salient example on why we dont want to much corporate influence...
  7. security manager, and part time work at school for the poli sci and philosophy dept. why?
  8. no, i said exploitation would be if you continue to claim profits forever on what i created...
  9. wtf? the real money would be something you worked for... once i pay off the value of your hammer plus interest, anything past that belongs to me. not you. otherwise you are stealing labor for free...
  10. it does exist if its real money that represents real value, ie not just printed out of thin air... and yes, if capital is owned forever, then its a surplus value or unpaid labor as long as that business exists...
  11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates you can take out a loan, you can work through another computer company, or you can build one out of your garage slowly... either way you have to work... its called a loan for profit. ie interest...
  12. im talking about succesful business, which is dependent on loans, labor, smart people, advertisement, timing, surrounding area, etc etc... obviously if a business fails, then labor will lose its jobs... even if labor pays off capital, and goes out of business years later, they lose their job... it all depends on demand.
  13. stossel has a first grade education on economics.
  14. no he doesnt. they will just fine him and he will sit out... no player is worth more than what he got, especially a corner...
  15. how do you know they were unprepared? do you like pulling things out of your ass? youre an idiot...
  16. yeah, ive watched him a few times. hes not bad. ill do it. will you start the thread sunday afternoon? cnn is a little boring sometimes... just sayin nothing was better than meet the press with tim russert!
  17. i like mclaughlin group and charlie rose. i watch hannity for political wwf!
  18. he has zero leverage. he got his big deal. if he doesnt want to play then he wont get paid and he will get fined...
  19. you are so !@#$ing dumb. labor creates all equity in capital, its called surplus value... otherwise machinery just sits there at market price... there is a difference between market equity in a house and equity in capital for the means of production. also one is created by yourself, the other is collective. again, when capital receives more and more for an undetermined time past what the capital value is worth, you are getting a reward for doing nothing... its simply unjustified hierarchy. its the exact same concept of someone giving you money and never being able to pay off interest, even if your new business is successful, that shareholder will have a 10% interest in all growing income. its a free ride! its how the kennedy family got so rich. they bought all the land in chicago...
  20. Heres to hoping bloomberg crashes in his private jet drinking a coke...
  21. No, markets and profit have given incentive and raised living standards, along with the labor wars in the 20 and 30s. the greatest source is modernity and post newton science. literally everything you said had nothing to do with what i was talking about, which is surplus value... and bill gates idea would have come together regardless. he would have sold it for profit. again, you ignore surplus value and cannot differentiate the idea that im for markets and profit, just not people getting a free ride...
  22. during the first 8 weeks he graded out as the best center in the league, so did levitre at guard. urbik and pears were top 12 at their position i believe...
  23. didnt sean penn say anyone who disagrees with chavez should be shot! bill maher was like, really? are you sure?
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